Chapter 3

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The entirety of Claire's body froze up as her vision begun to turn cloudy.

"Master Claire!"

She gasped and suddenly adrenaline kicked in, causing her to turn a full spiral of the room whilst backing out towards the living room.

"Who's there?"

Light streamed into the kitchen through the window and doors, and yet it still seemed so pitch black to her. And something was lurking in that deep dark nothingness.
All of a sudden, she backed into something...something big and cold and stone. Something that wasn't normally in her kitchen.

She was just about to prepare herself to turn around, when something appeared in front of her. Six eyes. Glowing amongst the darkness. Six eyes blinking and alive. Her legs almost gave up on her until she was suddenly swept into the air, legs first.

In the blink of an eye (or six eyes) she was upside down, swinging in mid air with her legs clasped by some sort of stone grasp.

She screamed. Finally.

"Blinky, she looks scared," a voice boomed out from the side of her.
"Uh, Aaarrrgghh, my good fellow, would you mind?" another voice called out.

Claire's mind was racing, and she wished that her vision would clear so she would at least see what was going on in front of her. Blood was quickly rushing to her head and her breathing was getting uncontrollable.

"P-p-please, put me down."

Swiftly, she was turned the right way around and dropped onto her feet. Somehow she managed to keep her balance, before being patted on the head by something heavy and large, yet still gentle.

"Master Claire! We have found you! I am known as Blinky."

Finally, Claire managed to take deep breaths to clear her vision enough to look up to where the eyes had appeared before.

There, stood a large creature made completely of a blue-toned stone. It had six eyes and four arms and wore clothes and had hair and giant teeth, and yet was nothing like a human.

She had to be dreaming.

Backing up once more, she walked into whatever was behind her again. She swivelled around to see another stone creature. This one even larger, humongous even. It was grey with a moss-like material growing all over its back.

"Hi," it waved a giant hand at her, "its Aaarrrgghh. Three Rs."

She started to hyperventilate again as she continued to whip her head back and forth between the creatures, unable to comprehend what was happening. Her mouth couldn't create words and she almost fainted again before 'Blinky' spoke once more.

"Master Claire, you have been chosen," it repeated, "the amulet of daylight challenges you to ascend to the most sacred of offices."

"Orifices? What orifices?" 'Aaarrrgghh' spoke from behind her. His voice was loud and booming, but almost soothing and calm.

"Offices. It means responsibility," Blinky responded, slightly irritated.

Claire couldn't believe what was happening. Two...things had appeared in her kitchen and she was stood in the middle of a petty squabble between them.

"Unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world, a vast civilisation of trolls lurking beneath your feet, hidden from view."

Trolls? What kind of Shakespeare-induced dream was she having? It was almost as if she had been reading Romeo and Juliet every single night in order to memorise every line for the school performance.

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