Chapter 2: In the Sync

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Ben's POV
I was not happy about Rey the pain having to be my pairs skating partner. The first few minutes of practice was so boring. We basically worked on sync (bring on time with each other on landing jumps and stuff)
"Rey and Ben," coach kanata said getting our attention, " I want you to do a triple lutz, double toe loop combination in sync with each other." I rolled my eyes as Rey and I skated out to the middle of the ice and began our prep for our jumps. I did a half turn building up speed and Rey and I bounced off of each other's rythym to our triple lutz, then twisted myself into a double toe loop.
"Very good!" Coach clapped. " But Kylo you were a bit slow at that last part on the double toe loop."
I sighed and glanced at Rey as she shot me a smart elic smile. I rolled my eyes as we skated off the ice. I felt something twinge inside of me in a good way when Rey did that. I shrugged it off as we headed back to the bench to watch the next set of pairs go.
"If you would actually bring your arms closer to your chest, you wouldn't have that problem," Rey said.
"It's not your business whether or not I bring my arms in," I replied.
"Well I'm not going to let you ruin my chances to go to my dream camp," Rey said practically shouting.
"Believe me, I feel the same way," I shot back angrily.
We both turned away from each other. I couldn't possibly work with this..this girl.
Maybe it was something about the way she got mad. She was kind of cute when she was mad. What amI thinking? Rey is my enemy!

Rey's POV
After the other two pairs practiced sinc, we gathered around on the benches near Coach Kanata.
"I already have your routines planned out; I will give you all your songs and skill sheets and I need you to practice these routines outside of practice too. The rink is usually open after school, but you need to learn your throws and lifts with me. Don't try anything your not used to, but you can practice what you have learned after school with private ice." Coach Kanata explained.
"Hux and Phasma; your song is What about us by Pink," she said handing skill packets to them.
"Finn and Rose; your song will be Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift."
"Rey and Kylo, your song will be Not About Angels by Birdie."
"I'm not skating to some sappy song from some stupid chic flic," Kylo huffed.
"Agreed," I said crossing my arms.
"Well just give it a chance," Coach Kanata said running her forehead ," you'll learn to like it or deal with it."

A/N: The song at the top is the one used in their routine. Sorry this chapter is so short, I couldn't think of a good future place to end it.

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