"No. You need to be wider and lower to the ground." I scolded him. He hopped right up. "Yes, master!" Rolling my eyes I motioned for him to strike me.

He immediately charged and threw a right hook. I merely moved my head to avoid it. He kept on trying to punch me, to which I dodged with ease.

He struck again. I turned to the side and grabbed his arm. Maneuvering my body, I twisted it painfully, causing him to fall and sat on his back, still holding the arm. I applied a little more presser above his wrist and below his elbow. He yelped in pain.

I glanced at the viewing pirates. "See this? If I apply the right amount of pressure in both places, all the bones in this arm will shatter and if he tries to move out of it, it will shatter." I spoke like a teacher.

"EH?!" The pirate under me shouted in fear. The others nodded, observing my hands closely.

"This is an essential move if you want to get information out of someone, whilst keeping your opponent in check." I let go and stood up, making the pirate below me collapse to the ground.

Everyone's currently training and getting ready. Hak, Shin-Ah, and I are teaching some of the pirates some martial arts and sword techniques.

Kija is helping a few of them load food and crates onto the ship. And Yoon is off scolding the wounded while he treats them. "Master! Teach us how you wield the spear."

I raised an eyebrow at the men before scoffing. "Yeah, I'm not going to bother. You couldn't handle it." I shook my head.

This just riled them up. "Huh?! Don't be like that! We can take it!" He shouted.

"I don't waste my time on weaklings~." I spoke in a monotone voice. Their temples throbbed. "Master!" They shouted.

I shrugged, waving my arms like an air current. "Eh, I don't wanna~. I'm tired and hungry~." I turned, walking off. "Master!" They cried after.

Jeez. They're a loud bunch aren't they? Hm? Looking up, I watched as Jae-Ha jumped high into the sky, as if he were flying, carrying Yona with him. Where are they off to?

Oh well, if she's with Jae-Ha then she should be fine. He's not the kind of guy to let a girl get hurt.

And with the Green Dragon's blood coursing through his veins, he'll be compelled to save Yona and protect her from anything and everything.

I walked around and spotted Yoon. He's surrounded by pirates with bowls, ladling soup for them. "Yum! This is great!" A pirate praised as they ate in content.

They're all pretty hyped about his food. As they should be. Yoon's the best cook I know.

"Of course it is. It's 'Pirate's Soup' loaded with seafood! I used the ingredients lavishly so it has to taste great." I smiled at the scene as everyone ate happily.

Of course Kija is weary of the crab, thinking it's a bug.

Finishing giving everyone a bowel, Yoon grabbed two and walked by them. "That's a crab. You should follow Shin-Ah's example and eat anything." Yoon scolded the frightened Kija.

I turned to look at the said boy and sweat dropped as he shoved as much soup into his mouth as possible.

Well the guy was locked in a cave most of his life. Can't really blame him.

"This is really good, kiddo! Be my wife!" A pirate demanded.

Smirking, I walked over to Yoon, standing behind him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Eh? But Yoon is my wife. Right, Dear?" I grinned.

The Inferno Tornado (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now