Trial of Senjusou Plant

Start from the beginning

Without us, she'll always be in danger. She's just a small, sixteen year old girl. She's just a girl who lost all of her family, was betrayed by the person she loves, and was chased out of the castle by people who were meant to protect her. Yona only had the four of us.

She only had her father, Soo-Won, Hak, and me. She lost two of them on that night, and us getting deathly injured didn't help her mentality.

We may have gained some comrades, we may have made friends, but things haven't changed. We're still running away.

Running away from Soo-Won, from the castle, from soldiers, from officers, from Yona's birth right. And the goal hasn't changed. Not in the least. They must survive. Both Hak and Yona.

That's not an easy goal. Not with the entire kingdom as our enemies. Well, the Wind Tribe is an exception of course.

And . . . my eyes drifted to Kija and Shin-Ah. The Dragon's.

From the legend and what Kija is always talking about, the possibility of them hurting or turning against Yona is impossible to do so.

And then there's Yoon. He's been a huge help and important asset to Yona. No, not an asset. He's been a dear friend to her and Hak. Even me.

We wouldn't have been able to get this far without them. Maybe we could have, but we definitely couldn't get Yona to strive to something.

The evidence of the Dragon's existence has made her move without the help of the hairpin Soo-Won gave her.

It's because of them, she was able to become herself and grow. I thank them all for that.

"What are you thinking about?" My brother questioned, leaning against the ship as he stood next to me. My eyes remained on the blue waters, rocking the stationed boat back and forth.

"Yona." I answered honestly. He nodded solemnly, staring off into sea as well. I turned my gaze to him. I've known him most of my life, I know everything about him.

He strives to protect Yona at all costs and is very self-sacrificing when it comes to her wellbeing. He should really consider his own wellbeing.

There's only so much one can take from that. He destroys his impulses every time they resurface even though it hurts him.

But he doesn't destroy them. He only pushes them further back into his mind and heart. Holding in so many strong feelings is very harmful to the mind and body.

He doesn't understand that.

And even if he does, he makes no effort to change it. He truly loves her. I've never seen someone love as strongly or as purely as he does for her.

It hurts to watch, because he makes sure no one can ever see his feelings. Not for Yona.

And not for Soo-Won.

I grit my teeth at the thought of him. His betrayal destroyed Yona and Hak. And that is why I can never forgive him.

I closed my eyes tightly, willing my thoughts to scatter. I don't want to think about him. I don't want to remember him. I don't want him to plague my dreams.

You can't change the past. You can only live in the present and strive towards a better future. And I'll do that.

With Hak and Yona. This time I'll protect them with everything I have.

Although with Yona out of sight, my mind is racing. My chest hurts, the anxiety weighing heavily in it. Surely she'll be alright. But if it is a test that she could die in . . . this whole thing has me riled up.

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