Faraway Sky

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I looked at Hak in disbelief. Is he insane?! "Your Chubbiness?" The King asked, sweating a bit. Gramps whipped out his paper fan.

"Crap!" I grabbed the edge of the roof and flipped onto it as he began to strike Hak with it.

"How dare you call him 'Your Chubbiness'!" He roared. I peeked over and sweat dropped as he kept smacking Hak, who was now face pressed on the ground. I'm all too familiar with gramps wrath.

Idiot. "You mustn't use violence Mundok." The King sweat dropped. Gramps immediately went back on his hands and knees in apology next to a defeated Hak.

"Hak's straightforwardness is my favorite part about him. Here's a snack for you." He held out a piece of bread.

Hak held out his hand and the King placed it in his hand. I jumped back down. "Eh? Hak gets food?" I asked.

King Il smiled and turned, another piece of bread in his hand. "Of course I have some for you as well Kiri. So would you two stay in the castle as Yona's guards?" He asked.

Hm? Yona's guard? "Sure." I shrugged uncaringly.

"Your Majesty. Nobility is too much of a pain for me. Kiri, are you sure about it. This means no more cat naps on the roof. I can't enjoy a relaxing nap at home if I work for the castle or become a general and neither can you."

I threw my hands behind my head. "Eh? No naps? That does sound like a pain. Never mind, don't wanna." I turned, along with Hak and we began to walk away.

"Hak, Kiri." King Il called. We glanced back. "Your Majesty, you don't like weapons right?" I asked curiously.

"Then please find an extremely rare person who'll guard somebody without a weapon in hand." Hak finished. With that said we turned and walked off.

"Really Kiri, agreeing without thinking." Hak shook his head. I shrugged uncaringly. "I thought guarding a princess who doesn't leave the castle would be easy money." I defended.

Honestly I'm not a big fan of royal or nobility. They're usually a bunch of snobs with too many rules. I don't do well with rules. And I certainly can't function without naps.

Plus if Hak's not there to suffer with me it's just not worth it. No matter how much I love Yona.

Then again I do want to make sure she's always safe. She's like a precious little sister to me.

"But we'd get to be with Yona. You know. Girl of your dreams." Hak flushed before whacking my head. "Ow! What was that for?!" I shouted.

He glared at me. "Shut up! She is not!" I looked at him weirdly. "Huh?! You've had a thing for ever since we met her you little brat!"

We were in a glare off. "Hak! Kiri!" Huh? We turned to see Princess Yona run our way. "Yona." I was a bit surprised to see her.

We'd be leaving in a bit so I thought we'd miss her. She ran and hid behind Hak. "Hide me!" She pleaded.

I raised an eyebrow at our friend. "Princess Yona! Where are you? Princess Yona!" A voice called out. That voice? A familiar guy walked around the corner.

"Eh? Tae-Jun huh?" I watched the idiot look around for her before turning another corner. "Princess you should play a prank without getting caught." Hak said, glancing back at her.

She frowned. "That's not it." After we were sure he wouldn't come back around Yona stopped hiding and faced us, explaining the situation.

"Huh? He's coming onto you?" Hak asked. She simply nodded. Hak stared at her for a second before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

The Inferno Tornado (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant