Forest fire.

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Day 1
"Tim! hurry up, he's getting away!" Hoodie yelled, gesturing Masky to hurry his ass up. Masky came up beside Hoodie, looking at him before nodding. Masky and Hoodie ran off, passing by a lot of trees which were in the way, they had rusty pipes for weapons. Hoodie lost his gun somewhere back at the park where they saw a person- a person with two hatchets, and shiny, orange goggles, they couldn't see the person that much since they were in a distance. Hoodie stopped in his tracks and looked around, before Masky kept on going, Hoodie stopped him by holding him back, his hand was on Maskys chest. "wait, let's listen for a bit." Hoodie commanded, he froze, no movement came from both of the men. Suddenly a foot steps was heard near by, it sounded like it was going over a bridge. Masky looked at the direction where it came from, while Hoodie looked the other way. "Over there!" Masky called out and ran off, Hoodie looked at Masky and watched him run off. "oH-" he exclaimed and scoffed. "I'm such a dumbass." Hoodie said and followed Masky, running towards where he was going.
The person looked back, seeing the two men in a distance, they were standing on the bridge. they gasped and ran for it, suddenly a thought came into mind, they wanted to start a forest fire, but for that too happen, he has to be in a good distance so they have time to do it. Hoodie and Masky stopped at the bridge, seeing the person run off. "Fuck sakes.." Hoodie said and bent down a little for his hands to rest on his knees. "Don't worry, we'll get them soon." Masky said and once again ran off, following the person. Hoodie needed to stay back a bit. For a smoker like Masky- he can run. but Hoodie? it's hard for him to catch up, jesus christ. The person ended up at a tree house, he climbed into it and randomly found gasoline, odd. the person grabbed it and splashed it around the small tree house, trying to not get some on themselves. Masky stopped in front of the treehouse and heard liquid being spilled. thAt wAS hIs gASoLiNE—
Masky growled softly and went up into the tree house, seeing the person there, face to face, finally. "Hey! leave my gas alone!" Masky shouted, panting his lungs out, angrily looking at the one with orange goggles. "oh- this was your gas? well damn, that's too bad." the person said in a deep, raspy voice, they snickered and took out a lighter, flicking it on and dropping it to the floor which was covered in gas. Flames flew up and began surrounding the two, the only place that wasn't on fire- was the entrance. Masky shouted 'no' as loud as he can. once he saw the flames, he grabbed the person's sweater, trying to punch him out, but was not able too. The person took out once of his hatchets from the holster on his belt and smacked Masky on the side of his face with it, the back part of the hatchet- thank god. Masky was shot down to the floor, almost falling into the fire. speaking of the fire, it was starting to burn the treehouse down.
Masky held his face which was in terrible pain, he growled, then suddenly shot up onto his feet and tried pushing the person into the fire, he nearly succeeded but was intentionally pushed out of the treehouse. Hoodie finally arrived, seeing the treehouse go up in flames, then..seeing a yellow dumpling fall out of the treehouse- which was Masky. "Masky!!" Hoodie shouted and ran over to Masky, seeing him in pain. "Masky?! what happened!?" Hoodie shouted once more. Masky looked at Hoodie, glad to see he was there with him, but then again, he saw a tall, slim creature behind him, at least 6 feet away from them. "H-Hoodie!!!" Masky called out, pointing at it. Hoodie looked back and saw the same thing, he fell back in fear. They both saw the same person, standing beside the tall one. they both started coughing harshly, they coughed until they were passed out on the ground, the person and the tall one got a bit closer. The person stood there, making a choice that the tall one gave them. they nodded.
Suddenly, all four of them were gone, leaving the forest as it was dying in the fire.
Forest Fire.

Hey guys, it's ya boi here, thanks for reading this-
i will be continuing this right away because like-
i'm loving this. anyway i'll be adding the "Creepypasta Mansion" as y'all call it.
i know it seems cringe but it's imagination, right?

hope y'all enjoyed this chapter-
see yA.

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