Somewhere around 1964. "They just came to me, I suppose."

"Well, keep it up. That's the innovation Mercury likes seein'. We'll be back to cut a new record in no time, I'm sure of it. We've got something here. Can't wait to see what the kids thought of it."

"They seemed to be enjoying it," contributes Frankie. "With those fellas being such big hit-makers, that must be a good sign, huh?"

"We'll be big hit-makers ourselves someday. We've got something here, I know it."

"Why don't we go ask them what they thought?"

"Good thinking." Jape turns to the others. "We're all a-going for hamburgers, on me. Occasion like this needs celebrating."

With a cheer, the group deposits their respective instruments and heads out to the main room. Paul sees a familiar face chatting happily with two others near him, and his feet stop moving, like an emergency brake. Frankie practically has to push him to keep him going. Up towards him, up towards Buddy Holly.

"So, boy?" Jape calls to him. "What have you got to say for yourself?"

Buddy turns around to face him and gives him a wide smile. "You fellas, great work. I thought it was swell." He turns and looks directly at Paul. "This is the bassist you've been talking so much about?"

Paul can barely breathe, let alone respond. Buddy's eyes, behind his famous black-rimmed glasses, remain focused on him curiously, and Paul cannot fully process that it's him Buddy is looking at. Luckily, there's no need for him to say a word; Jape quickly fills in.

"Sure is. Picked him while we were in New Orleans. Said he'd taken a boat out there... Where'd you say you come from?"

"Liverpool," Paul manages. His voice surprises him, being so controlled.

"English kid, if you couldn't tell?" Jape says with a smirk. "Anyway, he came to New Orleans to play some rock 'n' roll, and he fell in with us. Curse or a blessing, he'll have to decide for himself."

"So far it's been more on the blessing side, I should say," Paul says honestly, still watching as two of his heroes converse before him.

Buddy nods, then turns back to Paul. "I don't think I've heard of Liverpool, I'm awful sorry," he says politely.

"I wouldn't expect you to." Paul quickly adds, "I mean, not much goes on there. It's not known for a whole lot. Well, except barges, and that awful smell that comes with 'em."

Paul internally smacks himself. Excellent, he thinks, you get a chance to talk to Buddy Holly, and the first thing you do is bring up barges?

But to his relief, Buddy just laughs. "I hope I didn't make you feel bad, I didn't want to. I don't come from much myself. What matters is where we're headin', huh?"

Paul can only nod.

Suddenly, Buddy reaches out and taps him on the shoulder. "Oh, would you look what the cat dragged in?" he mutters in a teasing manner.

Paul looks down at his shoulder, stunned by Buddy's touching him. So real.

Then, when he sees Buddy and Jape looking past him, Paul turns to look at what they had been trying to direct his attention to. When he sees, he's forced to wonder how much more of this he can take before his heart finally gives out.

"Well," Jape repeats Buddy's words loudly to the newcomers, "look what the cat dragged in."

"We've played this ol' joint long before you ever did," says Don through a laugh.

"And you're welcome, by the way," adds Phil.

Jape mockingly takes a little bow. "I'm sorry, your majesties. Tell me, what did you think of your jester's show?"

"Cut that out," Phil smiles. "You were great."

"This your new guy, Jape?" Don gestures to Paul.

"Sure is," the bandleader confirms.

"English boy, from a town called Liverpool," contributes Buddy.

"It's very nice to meet you," Phil says to Paul, extending his hand. "Great work out there!"

Paul numbly thanks him. He shakes Phil's hand first, then Don's. This was a moment he'd dreamed about for as long as he could remember, and he hated himself for not knowing what to do now that it was here. The Everly Brothers, right in front of him.

"I was proposin' to the fellas that we go out for burgers," Jape says. "You wanna join us?"

"Sounds great, Jape, thanks," says Don.

Everyone turns to Buddy.

"When have you known me to object to a milkshake?" he says simply.

Jape gives out another of those big laughs of his. "That's what I like to hear."

He gives a loud whistle and, simultaneously, Paul sees Frankie and his other two bandmates look up. The two come over to Jape like a dog that's been called by his master; Frankie, who was standing with the girl Paul had helped with the amps, seemed a little more hesitant to leave. Paul watches as he disappointedly bids the girl goodbye, and follows the others over to Jape.

The group files out of the bar together, headed who knows where. Paul can barely keep his legs moving, standing between Buddy Holly and Phil Everly as they walk. And yet, somewhere inside, he feels a desperate urge to stay with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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