Finding a way out

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She jolted awake. She looked around to find everything in the same place. She was reassured by this and sat up. Then she remembered seeing Teddy's face on the tv. What would she do? She wondered if she should stay or go; what if one of his cholos found her? What would she do then? She finally decided that she would leave. But first she wanted to make sure Teddy was gone for good. The tv was still on but channel 4 news was no longer there, it was now a National Geographic documentary about bats and how they hunt. She flipped through the Chanel's to find an ADAs face appear on the screen. In words underneath it said his name was Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba. She turned up the volume and could hear mr. Barba saying " We have apprehended this sex ring leader and are in pursuit of his fellow trafficking members. We have become aware through a thorough investigation and interrogation that Johnathan Burt is currently holding and female sex slave captive. Her name , age , and whereabouts are unknown, but we had a sketch artists draw her face based off of Burts description and we are doing everything we can to find her......." then he began talking about the charges this "Johnathan Burt" would face and Alex didn't understand all this lawyer talk. She knew Teddy by his face but never had she heard him called Jonathan Burt. That must be his real name she thought. "Now about getting myself out of here". She figured she would climb out the window because the door was locked from the outside. She cracked it open and slipped out into the night. She was walking down the street when she heard raised voices coming from Teddy's house. They had found that she was missing and they were coming after her. She began to run down the street and into town. She had reached a street corner when she was struck by a vehicle. She flew ten feet into a sidewalk bench. She couldn't breath and her side was bleeding terribly. The last thing she could hear was yelling and sirens.........
She awoke in a hospital bed to the sound of a woman's voice. It kept repeating "Hello there I'm detective Olivia Benson and I'm here to help you everything is going to be okay" she jolted up right and as she did so she bent over in agonizing pain coming from her side. "Be careful hun" the detective said " you have a few broken ribs and your pelvis is fractured." "Where am I" Alex asked. "Your in Mercy General hospital and you were attacked. Now I have a few questions for you would that be alright?" "Yah" Alex said softly "sure". " Do you know Jonathan Burt?" " Alex reluctantly replied "yah but I know him by Teddy that's what he's had me call him for years" The detective asked " so you're the one that he has held captive for four years in his home?" "Yes" Alex replied. "Ok it's good we found you we've been looking everywhere" the detective said reassuringly. "Do you have any family I can call?" "No their all dead" Alex said, looking away in shame. "I'm sorry to hear that" Olivia said " you can come down to the station we will get everything squared away and get your statement" Alex didn't really want to go but anything was better than this miserable hospital. When they got to the station Alex felt everyone staring at her as she walked into the interview room. When she was helped inside by detective Benson, she saw the ADA she had seen on tv sitting in one of the chairs. "Hello" he said in a calm steady voice " My name is Rafael Barba I'm an ADA and I'm here to prosecute Jonathan Burt. Alex shuddered at the mention of Teddy's real name. "Now please have a seat and tell us the whole story"

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