Shot 13

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Shot 13

Vaibhav calls Sahil and tells him to come at Sunshine Park.

Swara: "Sanskaar, you should also call Priya."

Sanskaar: "Why? It would hurt her."

Swara: "May be she is at fault or maybe she is innocent But everything should be clear."

Vaibhav: "She is right."

Sanskaar calls Priya.

Priya: "Hello Sanky."

Sanskaar: "Priya can you meet me at Sunshine Park now?"

Priya: "Everything fine Samskaar? You are sounding different."

Sanskaar: "Please it's urgent. I'll explain you later." Priya: "Okay I'm coming."

Sunshine Park

Vaibhav, Swara and sanskaar are waiting for Priya and Sahil.

Vaibhav: "I called my gaurds, so that they won't able to escape without telling us truth."

Sanskaar: "Priya is my friend and I don't want to hurt her."

Swara: "No Sanskaar, you just want to clear everything."

After sometime Sahil comes and he becomes afraid after seeing Vaibhav with Swasan he tries to escape but fails. Meantime Priya also comes.

Vaibhav: "Sahil don't look at ground tell us the truth about this Priya."

Priya: "Oh, what do you mean? Sanskaar this guy is very cheap. You don't know how he talked to me at party."

Vaibhav: "So, you are a call girl then what you expect from me."

Priya: "What the hell? (She slaps him.) How dare you?"

Vaibhav: "You cheap..."

Sanskaar holds his hand.

Sanskaar: "Sahil tell me the truth."

Priya: "Sanskaar what is this? You know me. I am your friend. (Then she looks towards Swara holding Sanskaar's hand.) Oh now you got Swara so you want to get rid of you baby and prove me characterless and that's why you called me."

Sanskaar: "No Priya I trust you."

Swara: "If you are innocent then let Sahil tell us the truth."

Vaibhav: "Sahil tell me the truth, else I'll file a case against you that you didn't paid my lone."

Sahil: "No, please don't complain against me."

Priya: "Speak Sahila and end this drama. Sanskaar already made our friendship joke you also continue."

Sahil: "Actually, it was during November time. I took lone from Vaibhav but I lost money in bet and I don't have money to return. So I have to follow his order."

Sanskaar: "So..."


That day Vaibhav was so much frustrated because he met his father at jail and he wanted to get rid of it. Vaibahv calls Sahil.

Vaibhav: "I need a girl now."

Sahil: "But sir."

Vaibhav (shouts): "Now means now, my P.A. will give you 3 Lakhs. I want best one and if I don't get the girl at sharp 10pm at TULET hotel room no 204 then I'll rip in pieces."

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