Irresistible and Infamous by @ccalianese

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When I wake up in the morning around 6:45 the first thing I do after I silence the alarm is check who has made my day by updating. And my girl ccalianese usually gifts me the first smile of the day as she is hard-working and dedicated to her cause. Irresistible is the story of Harry meeting Mia, an awkward yet creative writer at a cafe.

She is secretive but sweet and he is generous and persistent. She has a past she is trying hard to keep hidden and he is constantly trying to break down her walls.

I don't want to say more but I love the plot. It's fun and fresh and Mia is not your typical lead so the whole thing is a breath of fresh air.

Infamous is basically the same story but from Harry's POV.

I like it and I like the author, too. Giving, polite, passionate: a great combo. Go read her stories and follow her! 

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