"Drink, Tel. It is okay." He said, his accent making Teller smile just a little as he took a hesitant sip of the ice water. 

He finished the small cup, taking it from Tay-Yun with a shaking hand. Teller felt the guy's fingers softly petting along his hair soothingly, but he just couldn't calm himself much more. 

"You're not in trouble, hun." Tay-Yun said as he gently lifted Teller's chin so that their eyes could meet. 

He knew that he wasn't. Even if he was sitting in front of the CEO of Wan-Nu's company, he couldn't be in trouble with them. He didn't work for them or steal anything from them in terms of the songs he'd helped Tay-Yun with, so he really wasn't worried about that. It was just, he was sitting in front of someone who was absolutely huge in the music business, and owned the band he admired. 

"Could I speak with you for a moment, Mr...?" The CEO asked, making Teller quickly stutter. "Z-Zan. And yes. You can, sir." 

Why can't I stop shaking and why is it so cold in here? 

"Hello, Mr. Zan. My name is Don-Wei, and I'm sure you figured this out already, but I'm the CEO for this company. Wan-Nu is one of my top recruiters and of course, the main manager for Ello." 

Teller nodded stiffly, licking his suddenly dry lips. 

"Well, I do hope that you won't be upset about it, but Wan-Nu had forwarded me the videos for a few of your Mimic shows, as well as the surveillance video when you started teaching yourself the piano..." Don-Wei said with a hopeful, welcoming smile. 

Teller felt himself begin to become faint again. Wan-Nu had showed someone so high up his simple mimicking routine? 

He felt his stomach twist in his belly, making him very glad that he'd skipped eating a big lunch. 

The CEO sat back in his large padded chair and turned his attention to Wan-Nu. Just having the guy's eyes off him made Teller relax a tiny bit. 

"How did the show with him as a replacement for Sahn-Re go?" 

Teller tucked his chin against his chest, listening in as Tay-Yun grasped his hands and soothingly rubbed his thumbs along the backs of Teller's shaky hands. 

"Great. He made a few mistakes, but he'd never played the piano before that week, and he doesn't know how to read the music, so he taught himself by listening. Tay-Yun helped him the evening before and the day of, but that was all the time he really had." Wan-Nu answered. 

When he felt the man's eyes on him again, Teller hesitantly straightened a bit in his seat and looked up. 

"This seems stressful. Why don't you, Sahn-Re, En-Ti, and Tay-Yun go have some fun in one of our sound rooms? We have quite a few set up with all sorts of different instruments and soundboards. I'm going to order an early dinner soon, too, if you guys wouldn't mind us feeding you?" 

"Does Japchae, Bulgogi, fried chicken and rice sound good?" Wan-Nu asked Teller after getting an imperceptible nod from the CEO. 

Teller licked his lips without even thinking about it, making both Don-Wei and Wan-Nu chuckle. "Then it is settled. Head off for a bit, and we will call Tay-Yun's phone when the food is here." He said, shooing the group out the door before shutting himself back inside to continue talking. 

The group found a sound room just down the hall that was empty of people but filled with instruments that Teller was just itching to try. After all, Don-Wei had said that they could relax and have fun. He probably wouldn't get another chance to play around with so many different things again. 

He immediately went to a guitar hanging on the wall and carefully took it down. Teller was unaware, but his face looked like that of a kid who had just walked into a candy store. Tay-Yun watched him as he began teaching himself every single sound that the instrument could make. His hands fumbled at the beginning, having never used a pick or anything else relating to a guitar, but soon Teller was learning chords and keeping a decent tempo with Sahn-Re on the drums. 

En-Ti picked up another guitar, matching their beat, then adding a bit more to it to try and coax Teller into trying the same thing. It took a lot of focus to keep up with the two and he made several mistakes, but there was no wiping the smile off of his face. 

Tay-Yun took over the guitar as En-Ti and Sahn-Re took a break, leaving the drums open for Teller to steal. He dropped down into the seat and grabbed the sticks for it, eager to learn more. 

En-Ti stalked down the hall, pulling Sahn-Re behind him, making the guy stumble a few times trying to keep up with his long legs. "En-Tiiii, slow down!" Sahn-Re pleaded, already panting because of the cold he was still finishing fighting. 

En-Ti checked a few doorknobs before finding one that was open. Thankfully, there was no double-sided glass window, allowing them privacy as he pulled Sahn-Re inside, then shut the door, blocking it with his body in the darkness. 

Sahn-Re scowled at him, his expression barely visible in the dim light that leaked from beneath the door. En-Ti ignored the expression and held up the bag he'd been carrying, taking out the bottle of medicine out from it. Sahn-Re immediately darted away from him, but En-Ti didn't seem to mind. He'd needed to get Sahn-Re alone and locked up somewhere, or he knew the guy would have darted at the first sight of the bottle of medicine. 

"Just take it. The food will be here soon and you've been sniffling all day." En-Ti said, trying to hide the hint of begging in his voice as he stepped toward Sahn-Re, blocking most of the minuscule light in the room. 

When Sahn-Re just backed up further, En-Ti sighed. The guy always did that. He hated taking medicine, which was normal, but to literally run, and fight, and cause such a problem out of something that would only take five seconds to do...

Shaking his head, En-Ti slowly began approaching. He slipped the medication back in the bag, then slid his arm through the look so that he could move it freely. 

"I will tackle you." En-Ti warned a final time. 

Sahn-Re began to crouch, readying himself to dart around him, but En-Ti knew what he planned. He waited, approaching just slow enough to be sure that he would trigger Sahn-Re to react at any second. 

When the guy darted to the right, En-Ti intercepted him easily. Sahn-Re redirected, trying to go around him the other way, but En-Ti quickly turned, shoving Sahn-Re up against the wall and easily pinning him there with his body. 

He'd give it to him, Sahn-Re was fast and decently strong, but he was smaller than him, allowing En-Ti to easily control him when they had their little squabbles. 

Biting back a grin, En-Ti took the container of medicine back out of the bag, then dropped the fabric to the floor so that he could remove the cap. "Just open your mouth and take the darn stuff. You can go eat right after, or to the bathroom and wash out your mouth." He said, trying to nudge the bottle against Sahn-Re's lips, but the guy just kept turning his head, nearly making the liquid spill several times. 

After his fifth try, En-Ti was about ready to clock the guy. He wasn't a babysitter... Narrowing his eyes, he took a small mouthful of medicine from the bottle, then grabbed Sahn-Re's chin and leaned in. 

It did taste absolutely foul, but he made sure to completely cover Sahn-Re's mouth and tilt his head back a little, allowing enough of the liquid to slip inside to be considered a reasonable dose. He tried to close his lips, but En-Ti forced his tongue inside, and wisely, Sahn-Re didn't dare bite it. Actually, he completely froze, which made things much easier. 

They broke apart after nearly a moment. En-Ti backed off, wiping away a line of medicine that had run over the edge of his lower lip. He could feel Sahn-Re's seething gaze on him, like usual, but he didn't expect the guy to lunge forward and shove him flat on his back before darting from the room. 

En-Ti slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position and wiped his mouth one more time, feeling his lips tingle oddly. He'd never had such an affect from taking medication. He also didn't understand why Sahn-Re had freaked out so badly on him this time. He'd forced him to take his medicine many times over the years. Maybe not in such a specific way, but did it really bother him that badly? 

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