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As the bell rang everyone got up, they went towards the cafeteria.
Likewise everybody sat in there own social circle the jocks and cheerleaders sitting amongst one another, the handsome and beautiful people, nerds and geeks, the multicultural groups and exchange students, the bad boys and drug users and finally the normal and average students.
Robert sat with the average students, while Bridget sat alone drawing on one of her small note pads.
Robert makes new friends quickly, jack (the fun, goofy friend with standard grades and a weird belief in paranormal and fictional creatures),
Phyllis (a very bossy girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask, she is into swimming) and Ivan (he is a very shill and a persuasive guy, he can be funny but also serious/strict).

The popular girls in school walk up to Robert, with there dark blue miniskirts and black V neck T-shirts, blue eyes glaring at him with a smile. They stop and ask him:
Cute Blond - " Hey there, wanna come to our freshmen party ? "
Tall Girl - " It's going to be amazing, you guys should totally be there. "
Jack - " Why are you throwing us a party ? "
Cute Blond - " It's for the freshmen to understand our school spirit. "
Phyllis - " we'll be there ! "
Tall Girl - " Cool, byeee. "
Jack and Robert were surprised, and started to chuckle weirdly.
The two girls are inviting everyone in school, except for Bridget, they walk up to Bridget and take her notepad.
Cute Blond - " ugh... what's this? "
It was a beautiful drawing of a pathway deep inside a mountains forest.
Bridget - " give it back! Its mine! "
Tall Girl - " ugh... is it speaking to    us? "
Cute Blond - " you can't speak us like that, your beneath us. "
She throws the book into a bucket of water, Bridget tries to save her book, when she picks it up the book was wet with pages falling of.
She swore to take revenge on them, so she decided to crash there party.

Bridget is crying in the bathroom trying to fix her book but it was to wet to do so, someone enters the bathroom, Bridget remains quiet, the other girl tried to enter Bridget's stall, she asks:
??? - " is anybody there? "
Bridget - " go away! " she said sobbing.
??? - " are you okay? Wanna talk about it? "
Bridget opened the door and told her everything.
Bridget's new friend helped her calm down, her name was Beth (Beth is a new to the school, she is a very bright girl and she likes chemistry), Bridget and Beth got along very well, they got to know each other's likes and dislikes.

Beth wanted to help Bridget get revenge, so she and her friend Kelly started to make plans with Bridget on how to ruin there party.
Bridget - " first things first, how do we get inside without getting noticed? "
Kelly - " umm... we were invited, so we need to find a way for you to get in unnoticed. "
Beth - " we need to change her look, her hair, her clothes and her  appearance. "
Bridget smiles and says.
Bridget - " let's crash this party. "
The girls prepared there gear, there plans, outfits and there willpower to destroy this party, while Robert was busy preparing himself to go to the party all suited up, with no clue of what's going to happen.

End of page 2

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