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I was on my own. Two days ago, I had turned eighteen and my mother couldn't afford to take care of me anymore. She didn't kick me out nor did we fight. I left her with my three other younger siblings just like my father, but I did write her a note, unlike him, saying she won't have to worry about me anymore. I knew she was better off without the burden of worrying about me and my actions.

I didn't even have a job nor a place to stay at.

I was walking around my city with my bag of all my belongings and it was one in the morning. I had some money on me but not even enough to stay at a hotel and not even enough for two grams of weed.

I saw the train station and thought I could maybe sleep there.

I walked downstairs and payed for the ticket. I waited for the train going east to arrive. I looked around to see if anyone was following me. No one but a man, maybe in his forties, and an elderly woman that looked like she was in her seventies.

The train had finally arrived and the doors slide open and barely three other people walked out of it.

I went inside and looked around for a spot to sleep at. It was mostly empty. I layed down on the connected seats that fit about three people. I tried to close my tired eyes but my paranoia wasn't letting me.

I looked around again and I saw the man far away sitting down and probably looking my way but I couldn't tell because his dark glasses covered his eyes. Since when is a train sunny? I was already overthinking and wondering what scenarios could happen tonight. He then looked away and pulled out a newspaper.

He wasn't a homeless man. He did look rich since he had a suit on. But I didn't understand why he was riding a train.

I held onto my bag and tried to get comfortable on this hard seat.

My life went so downhill that I ended up sleeping in a train. I have my reasons.

I wanted to fall asleep but I couldn't help but think I could get raped, or get robbed.

I closed my heavy eyelids but tried not to fall asleep.

I opened my eyes quickly as a rush of panic came over me. I was still holding my bag and I still had my bummy clothes on. I looked around again to see if the man was still there and he was, writing on his newspaper. Maybe a crossword puzzle.

The man was sitting closer though. He changed seats.

"You only fell asleep for an hour or so, and nobody stole anything if you were wondering," he says, still looking down at his newspaper.

I was confused at first and didn't answer.

"At least a thank you would be nice," he clears his throat.

"U-Uh sorry, um.. thank you," I lay back down and stare up at the ceiling.

I heard footsteps come near me and I come back up.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything," the man sat across from me. I sit up alerted for whatever could happen.

"You're a pretty girl," he begins. "Tell me how would someone like you.. end up here?"

"Why do you care?" I was beyond confused.

"Is it the drugs?"

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