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I want to give a shout out for Katie88TBSfangirl for giving this idea for me to create into this new chapter!!


You stacked the all the books on the book shelf again and watched as the kids all started to file out of the school room. Cally had finally given you a job to work at the school. Yes it didn't pay much but it certainly did give some income. It also wasted away the long days when Whitey wasn't around. Besides, teaching was fun and it helped all the ladies in town to clear their heads a bit. So, overall it was alright.
You shuffled the papers into a neat pile and placed them tidily onto the desk.
Grabbing a bucket of clean water an a cloth, you started to wipe away the white chalk off the black board.
The sun streamed in through the window and made the newly washed black board gleam with a dark glow.
You wiped you hands on your light teal dress and looked at the empty class room.
It looked like your work here was done for one day.
Grabbing the little basket that contained your books and the little lunch you had eaten before, you walked out into the slowly fading light.
The streets were slowly getting dark and the hot yellow sun had started to slowly sink beneath the horizon.
Unlike most nights, the small houses were dark and only one light burned bright through the night, and that was the tavern.
As you drew closer you could here the sound of people yelling and shoes clacking on wood. The sun had dipped below the horizon and had left the barren waste land in complete darkness. Stars dotted here and there and clouds slowly swarmed over the pitch black sky.
You pushed the bar door open and you were met by a roar of noise. Drunken women wandered around and fell onto tables, drunken ladies tried to sing while trying to preform a jig. It was pure chaos in there. A figure at the back court your eyes and you saw a brown hat and long legs sticking out from underneath the table. A bottle was being strangled in his hand and his head hung low.
Running over you slid nimbly beside him and pushed his hat out of his face.
Whitey looked up and his eyes swum in and out of focus.
You sighed. Whitey had gotten himself drunk.

"Hey there beautiful, what a lovely surprise."

He slurred. He reached a hand to caress your cheek but you took it into your own and put it around your shoulder.

"Come on Whitey. Let's get you home."

He grumbled a few words of protest but he obliged your wishes.
You managed to get him to his feet and wrapped a hand around your neck and put the other hand around his waist, to grab his belt.
He stumbled drunkenly with you to the doors and he pushed them feebly open.
He struggled his way down the stairs and started to talk gibberish.

"Sheriffs been gone for a few days. Hadn't been back. I wonder.."

You pulled him along the streets slowly approaching his house.
You pushed the door open and stumbled in. He tottered precariously in and collapsed into a chair and
keeping on with his nonsense of gibberish.
You lit a lamp and his pupils dilated in and out, unable to focus.
He got up and you stood up and pressed a hand to his chest as he tried to reach for the door.

"I need to go back out........"

His eyes fluttered over your face and you began to sooth him.

"Whitey, it's alright. You can go back outside tomorrow. Just let me undress you and you can get some rest."

He began to protest but you firmly pushed him backwards until he came to sit on the bed. You pulled his hat off and placed it on that table. You slowly began to slide off his boots. He had stopped his gibberish and had quieted down. You moved up to his waist, unclasping his gun belts and laying them carefully on the table, next to his hat. He stood up slowly and you came to stand in front of him. He didn't speak but you moved your nimble hands up to the collar of his shirt. Your fingers slipped the button out of its hole and moved to the next one. Complete silence set into the middle of the two of you as you slowly came closer and closer to finishing unbuttoning his shirt.
As you pulled his shirt off of his broad shoulders and down his arms his gentle hand came to rest upon your cheek. He was still, considerably drunk, just not as noisy as he was before.
You marvelled at his incredibly toned chest and watched as it rose and fell as each breath he took he slowly let out again, alcohol tinged on his breath.
Pulling back the covers of the bed you guided Whitey into his sheets. His hand came into yours and he raised it to his lips. He kissed it before clasping it in his hand.

"My parents would have loved you."

You felt your heart sink. No wonder he had gotten drunk. He was thinking about them. His dark eyes met you own y/e/c eyes. For a second, it looked like he was sober. His eyes fluttered closed and his breathing became less hitched and more steady.
You waited for a few minutes before slowly untangling your hand from his.


His eyes opened again and he swallowed.

"Please stay."

You nodded. Bending down you whispered into his ear.

"Give me a minute, I'll be back soon."

He sighed and nodded, his eyes closing again. Walking to his front door you locked it and drew the blinds. Not that anyone came past Whitey's house, but you didn't want there to be any gossip floating around. Woman were the worst when it came to gossip.
You blew out the light and slipped you dress over your head, leaving yourself in your underdress.
Slipping over to where Whitey lay sprawled out in his bed you slipped quietly next to him.
It was like pouring hot water onto ice. He moved over and wrapped his arm around you waist, pulling you in close to him. His strong arms pressed against your torso and his head came to nuzzle at the back of your neck, his warm breath sending tingles down your spine.
His hands came to interlock with your hands and your brought it up to you lips to give them a little reassuring kiss.

"I wish my parents had met you."

You stayed quite and let him talk.

"They would have loved you. They would have loved how you were a teacher and how you loved to read."

His biceps and arms squeezed ever so slightly as he seemed to never want to let you go.

"I love you so much. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to let you go. I want to hold you in my arms forever and ever."

His voice began to trail off as sleep started to kick in. His breath began to slowly become more steady and more rhythmical.

"I love you to Whitey."

He probably didn't hear it but that didn't matter. You pulled his hands closer to your chest and snuggled further into his rising chest. You closed your eyes and let your mind drift off.


Hey guys!! I hope everyone is going well. I really appreciate all the comments and likes that people have left.
I have, started the next one but it may take some time. I love that people are still wanting more of these chapters and i love getting comments. It's so encouraging! Anyway, I have dedicated this one to Katie88TBSfangirl who actually suggested the idea. I hope that you like it Katie88TBSfangirl.

I want to say if any of the readers have an imagine with Whitey PLEASE SEND TO ME OR REQUEST! I would be so happy to write one about "said topic." (As long as it isn't smut! I can't write it 😬🤭🤫)

until next time, bye and enjoy! 😉☺️😊

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