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"I meant to ask you this on the way home the other night from Amin's, but do you think that Haman might be smitten with Melandrah?" This was some days later as Kellah and Megah chatted beneath a Zabissian cedar on a bench in town.

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. I saw her in the store a few weeks ago."

"You were spying on him?"

"Not spying. Watching."


"They were talking."

"That's it?"

"No. He was laughing a lot."

To this, Megah herself started laughing. "You worry too much. Are you smitten with every boy who tells you a joke?"

"Well... no."

"Plus, I think Melandrah is already promised to some boy or another from town."

The girls parted to run their respective errands. Her chat with Megah had raised her spirits. Megah was right. Nothing was amiss; she was just being sensitive.

She had just exited the town gate when she saw Joram walk up beside her in freshly shined armor with his blood-red cape hanging behind him, its hem dragging in the dusty street. He took the bags she was carrying and continued walking beside her.

Given her good mood, Kellah didn't try to dissuade the Captain from accompanying her. Besides, her arms were tired from holding her bags. Better to let him hold them. They exchanged routine pleasantries and Joram told her about the preparations to sail back east. But then the tone of his voice shifted to the serious. "May I ask you a bold question," he said.

"If you wish."

"I was curious... I mean, I was thinking about... Well...You are absolutely sure of your desire to marry this man you go to see?"

"Captain, are you propositioning me?"

"Would it mean anything to you if I was?"

"And how do you suppose this would work? Do you intend to stay here or to take me back to the East?"

"I cannot stay, but back home I've been promised a good position in the military administration now that the war is over. You would have a comfortable life."

"A comfortable life," she repeated. "Tempting. And flattering... But, yes, I do intend to marry him."

"I thought as much. I just had to ask. I hope you did not take offense. I would never be able to live with myself if I didn't at least inquire."

He walked with her the remaining distance home and returned her bags to her. Kellah looked around to make sure her brother or father weren't around to see her walking with a Redcloak.

After the Evening BellsWhere stories live. Discover now