r u l e s + h ow t o r e q u e s t

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1. Only request if there is already at least ONE legit chapter published. Note that this does not include a prologue, cast, or summary!

2. I am happy to make covers for the following genres: action, adventure, fanfiction, general fiction, horror (maybe), teen fiction, and LGBTQ+

3. I will not accept these following genres: vampire, werewolf, science fiction

4. I have the right to accept/decline any requests. Do not be rude if I decline.

5. Required payment: a permanent follow (don't unfollow as soon as you get your cover please, I work hard on it), credit given @filipinopeaches in the description/summary of the book. Optional: Tag 2 friends to help promote my cover shop!

6. If you don't like your cover(s), PM me and I will make more options for you ASAP. Customer satisfaction is important to me!

 Customer satisfaction is important to me!

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Subtitle (optional):

Author name:



Any cover preferences?: (i.e. simple, minimalistic, manip, w/ doodles, no preference)

Optionals: (i.e. do you have an idea of what you want your cover to look like, or if you want a character/font/color used on the cover)

PM me the completed form (or if you have any questions) and I will get back to you 🤗🌸

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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Starlight Cover Shop ✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora