Chapter 2 Adam

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"Adam, please just listen," Cal practically begged. His fear and concern was written all over his even if I couldn't smell it coming off him thick as fog.  

I did hear him. Have heard everything he had said for the past hour but I couldn't stop myself. Couldn't stop them from doing what they were doing. It had been six hours and still nothing. I was barely keeping myself in check. If I stopped, if I made them stop then we would fall behind. Lose more time. Even worse we would fail Hunter once again. That in itself was not an option.

"He's right, Adam." Nikko was back on two feet. He had changed back and forth three times since we realized they had her. "Adam, I think we need to talk. All of us need to talk. Need to eat." Nikko looked more serious now than he had the last few hours. At my nod he turned to one of his son's that was still in his wolf form. "Tell you brother to wait where he is and to keep Grayson with him." There were a few things I envied about the borns but talking among each other in wolf form was one of the big ones.

There was over 200 hundred of us looking for Hunter. Mine and Nikko's packs. Groups of 10 or so all with their area to search. We knew they were somewhere in the woods but it was a 300 square miles of land and mountains. My pack knew the area but we haven't spent a lot of time here. We always believed it was no-mans land. We still did but if they didn't know the area then how could they get away with barely a trace?

In Nikko's Humvee we met up with the very exhausted and agitated Grayson and Jarek. Still in their wolf form pacing like caged animals. Nikko and I already discussed that we would order the boys to shift back if needed. I hoped we didn't have to but I wasn't sure.

"Grayson," I was surprised the kid was still standing never mind pacing. He was utterly exhausted. Cal was right, they needed to rest no matter what. "I need you to shift back now." It wasn't a command but a very firm request. Staring at me I could see the inner struggle he was having but he also knew I asked him to make a choice. Asking him to prove himself, once again. Show myself and him that he was still able to think straight doing the worst time possible. Losing Hunter.

Even through his internal struggle he didn't waste much time and changed back. I was very proud and surprised on how fast the kid could change back. With no hunt and very little food he changed back to two feet as fast as I could; almost as fast as a born. I know he could not change that fast a week ago. It wasn't just me that was impressed. Cal stood there opened mouthed and Nikko stood there with a raised brow. It took a lot for one of us mades to impress a born.

"Food and talk. Adam I hate to do this but I have one condition before we talk. I need this to be on a need to know basis only. It might be nothing but I rather take the extra caution right now. Plus there is some personal things I would like to reveal to you that may help." Nikko said not looking sorry but maybe uncomfortable.

Sometimes it was really hard to tell with him. He kept everything so close that even his scent barely wavered. This had me even more intrigued but also extremely cautious. Nodding my agreement he went on.

"Only your absolutely trusted members of your pack can ever find out. I would like to keep this group as small as possible." Nikko said again. I didn't blame him at all. After all I had not one traitor but a minimum of at least two in my pack. At least two with a death sentence over them.

"I agree to those terms. Myself, Cal, John, Amanda, and Grayson." Grayson was surprised and it showed through his exhaustion. Right after that was pride and confidence. I knew he would do anything for Hunter and protect this pack with his life. He earned this.

Not wanting to lose all the ground we covered and being so close to the road we found a small out of the way diner. Not the best locations for our talk but Nikko was right, we all needed to eat. Tempers were high enough never mind adding a bunch of starved shifters to the mix.

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