Questionnaire Time!

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Rough or soft? Refer to the above answer. It helps that they're both superheroes but Tabitha is 100% human. His version of rough sex would possibly kill her...

How long do they usually last? Maybe an hour? They both have high stamina so it could last longer. But they both view marathon sex as unnecessary.

Is protection used? No.

Does it ever get boring? With a shape shifting, mind reading Martian? No!

Where is the strangest place they'd have sex? The two are pretty normal when it comes to their sex life. There are so many opportunities with the two to be a kinky, no-holds-barred, sex-craved couple but they're honestly reserved in that department.


Does either of them plan on having children/or have children? Yes. They didn't plan on it but it happened!

If so, how many children do they want/have? They end up with a total of four; two adopted.

Who is the favorite parent? It depends on the child. T'ony adores his mother while K'hym is a true daddy's girl. The twins (names not yet came up with) tend to look up to J'onn more because he's Martian but eventually warm up to Tabitha because it was her idea to adopt them in the first place.

Who is the authoritative parent? You would've thought J'onn but it's really Tabitha! She's lenient on some things but for the most part, she is the overprotective mother!

Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? J'onn but only because he knows that all the children have Martian in them and therefore don't really need Earth schooling.

Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn't around? Ha; J'onn!

Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Neither one. None of the children participate in any extra curricular activities.

Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both, at first. But by the time K'hym is of school age, the family has moved to Mars where the Earth standard of schooling is null and void.

Who changes the diapers? They both do for T'ony and K'hym. The twins are around seven when they're adopted.

Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? They both do; they would usually take turns but J'onn more often would get up to bond with T'ony and K'hym more as well as sing Martian lullabies to put them to sleep.

Who spends the most time with the children? They both spend equal time with the children.

Who packs their lunch boxes? Tabitha because J'onn would more likely fill their lunch boxes up with only Oreos!

Who gives their children "the talk"? Neither. Because of their intelligence, there is no need. Tabitha attempts to but J'onn reminds her of this fact!

Who cleans up after the kids? Once out of toddler age, the children clean up after themselves. Before, both cleaned up after them.

Who worries the most? Tabitha. She needs a constant reminder that they're not normal children!

Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Tabitha!

4. Affection:

Who likes to cuddle? That would be a combination of the two. J'onn can wrap his entire body around Tabitha and she loves it!

Who is the little spoon? Tabitha.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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