"So are you still planning on fighting next week?" She ask. The fight that was suppose to happen a week after the race but it  was pushed back for reason unknown but its still happening. I don't know why they keep pushing it off. All I know is I no longer want to fight and rumor has it that the guys I'm facing isn't going to show though that's just a rumor. Apparently he's done for good. He no longer wants to box. "Aiden?"

"Yea i'm still planning on it but I think i'm done after that. I know how you feel and I don't really need the money excpesually if I get that job at Bosh. "

"You have the job Aiden," she says rolling her eyes. About a week ago I started looking for a job since my dad was making me quit everything and Amy thought it would be good to work at her company. We'll work in different department so we wont really see each other but thats fine. " No, I am not getting a job just because You and I are dating. If i'm good enough then whats his name will higher me. "

"Both Alana and I have already signed off and we have final say. As long as you want the job its yours. " I sigh but say nothing. Amy's stubborn about everything but when she actually wants something then its impossible to change her mind.

"What happens if we brake up. I dont want to worry about loosing the job at the same time?" She raises her eye brow and I want to hit myself. "Not that I want to brake up, but we are in high school and I know its possible. "

"I Keep buiesness mattter and personal mattter seperate. If we were to brake up I am not going to fire you. " I stay silent after that and Amy cuddles next to me as we watch tranformers.



Amy's pov

Waking up to the blarring of the alram the first thing I do is throw it across the room. Damn alarms trying to wake me and ruin my good dream. Wow I cuss alot. Maybe I should watch my language for the next few days. I think to myself as i shower and drive to school.

The cheese factory yesterday was absolutly amazing even if Aiden wanted to be a sour pants and not eat anything. In fact Aidens been amazing the past month we've been dating even if all we ever do is argue. People look at us strangley and more than once i've been asked why we dont brake up when we are always yelling. The thing that they dont see is the fact that we are always smileing. When we argue its over pointless things like what movie to watch or who gets to drive.

I try to keep the relationship light and not to seriese which gets hard when Aiden will lean over and whisper in my ear that he loves me. He's adorable and he never seems hurt when I dont say it back but I know he should be. I want to say it but I cant. There no way that I could. Before Aiden I ddidnt even believe in love. I knew you should care about people and help them but something like love? It isnt real. It cant be. Love is suppose to be this great thing but how is it amazing when it can tare you down to nothing. It can take everything from you in a blink of an eye like death but so much worse because there isnt an end to it. You can love and get hurt then love aigan but it always ends and your family and friends are there to help fix you back up after you cant run anymore.

Why would anyone want to love. whats the difference between loving someone and telling someone that you love them?

"Why in the world do you look so upset?" Aiden ask threw the window causing me to jump. I hadnt even realized i had gotten to the school let alone parked.  I smile and get out grabing my bag from the back seat and head toward the school with Aiden. "So are ou going to tell me what you were thinking about over there?"

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