I try to shake off my mood during breakfast that morning, but I can't. My eyes keep going to Saira, who hides behind her tangled hair. Even in the van, I try to text her, but no reply comes through.

Suddenly, stone walls come into view as we near our destination. The second part of our lockdown, a two-night event. The Ande Prison.  

As I unload some equipment from the van, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn, expecting Aaron, but find Saira instead. "Zak, I'm telling you this now. Last night was a one-time thing, okay? Ever ask about my scars again, and you'll be sorry. And, also, snap out of your funk; it's really obvious and really annoying." She turns away before I can even open my mouth, and stalks off. I'm left there, gaping like a fish, staring after her as she rounds the van to talk to Jay up front.

I blink, then snap back into my interview-mode. I put an EVP recorder in my pocket, just in case, and walk around to the front of the vans. With my crew following me, I walk through the prison doors.

One of the guards, by the name of Michael, greets us as we walk in. We start talking as he leads us down the long cell blocks. I hear shouts come from above, and glance up to see hard, angry faces pressed against cell bars. I turn to Michael, shock on my face, and ask,"Is this prison still in use?"

Michael looks flustered, his gray eyes flickering upward to the prisoners. His hands run through his brown hair, as if by habit, as he says,"Yeah. Yeah, it is. But the part you're investigating isn't. We had to shut that part down when the murders became too frequent." "And how frequent were the murders?" I ask. From somewhere behind me, I hear Saira whisper,"Every day," as Michael sighs and says,"Two every day. The cells were slick with blood."

We walk up onto one of the catwalks, and I look around at one of the prisoners. Tattoos cover every inch of skin on him, and his hard, black eyes remind me of wolf's. He sneers at me as I pass. Then, I hear coos and whistles as the men catch sight of Saira. Anger burns in my chest, and I almost snap. But, as I glance back, I see Saira glaring at the men, flipping them off as she walks by. They laugh at her, and start cat-calling.

"When are you gonna kill for me, baby doll?" one calls from a farther back cell. Saira snaps back,"When you start to show respect, you piece of crap." I hear her pain in her voice, and flinch in sympathy. The rest of the men start to yell, screaming and roaring. Saira looks around, a pleased expression on her face, and catches my eye. A small smile curls her lips, and she looks away. Where did this Saira come from?

Suddenly, freezing wind pounds my face. I turn, finding myself outside in a courtyard. Stone circles us on all sides, making me feel small with the high walls and guards patrolling the ramparts. Michael leads us to the other half of the prison, keeping his head low in the gale. "The prisoners say that the ghosts and angry spirits cause the winds whenever they come out here. I only half believe them." I hear a snort behind me, and glance over my shoulder in time to see Saira's eyes roll skyward. I glare at her, but she looks away.

We cross the yard, and enter the building once more. I find myself on another catwalk, peering down at the floor six levels below. "This section of the prison was built into the ground. Harder to get out, since sixteen feet of concrete circles these walls. The bars are made of steel, but are coated in sulfuric acid at night. This is, by the prisoners, called Devil's Wing." Michael looks pleased with himself, but I sense that he's on edge, for being in this place where several violent men died.

I glance back at Saira once more, and see her looking another way. Quite intently, actually. And her lips are moving, as if she's silently talking to someone. I watch her, and hold up my hand to stall whatever Michael was going to say next. Wordlessly, I take out the recorder, and click on.

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