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"I intend to join the Night's Watch," Jon Snow announced brusquely, breaking the silence in the near-empty Great Hall. The other highborns and servants who had broken their fast had already left for their duties. Daylight streamed through the hall's long windows, and the blue sky outside was cloudless. Jon felt cold even in the light of the sun. Across the table, Robb Stark's blue eyes widened, and the ward Theon Greyjoy's eyes rolled.

"You're taking the black?" Robb reiterated, thick eyebrows creasing, "I know you've spoken of it, but so soon?"

"Yes, that's what I said," Jon replied, frowning, "I'll be leaving the same day as the royal host."

His brother looked at him worriedly but simply pressed his lips together. His silence continued as he drank some water. The bastard did not know what he expected of Robb's response, but it was surely not silence. Jon sighed and grabbed his fork to poke around at the food meant to break his fast. Ghost nudged Jon's arm for some meat with his nose, and the boy yielded a bit of ham to the direwolf. Satisfied, the wolf lay calmly down next to his master.

"I will be training in the yard with the prince today," Robb broached, directing his words at Theon. Jon gripped his fork tightly. I see.

"Joffrey?" Theon sneered, "He'll be an easy opponent."

"How do you know?" Jon responded, matching the older boy's snideness. Theon shot him a glare.

"I mean... look at him." The Greyjoy waved his hand in front of his face. At least we can agree that Prince Joffrey is unseemly, Jon thought.

"I don't see how the prince's foul countenance will aid my victory," Robb countered.

"You'll want to beat him with the utmost haste so you don't have to keep looking at him," Theon quipped. The Stark let out a snort of laughter, and Jon repressed his want to laugh. Jon was not a part of this conversation, not really. He was often used to being left out of the jests between Theon and Robb and then, on occasion, the target of said japes. The runt of the litter. The one thing Greyjoy is right about, the bastard remembered, looking at the other boys briefly. His flawless heir of a half-brother and the cocksure ward, who was still of noble birth.

"So, the Night's Watch." To Jon's shock, it was Theon who spoke. Jon met the other boy's eyes, which were full of mischief. As a bastard, he had learned to read the truth in people's eyes. Gods be good. "Are you so sure you want to swear off women, Snow? You have not even known one yourself."

"I don't care about that," Jon snapped back, staring daggers at Theon.

"As you will," the ward replied, standing up from the table. "I'll see you green boys in the yard." He left without a kind word or gesture, even to Robb.

"What's wrong with him?" Jon looked at his brother, whose face had grown solemn.

"I couldn't tell you," Robb grumbled, getting to his feet, "I better get to training." He paused and let out a long sigh. "I will miss you when you go to the Watch, very much."

"And I will miss you," Jon said with an ache in his heart, "But I'll come watch the training, hm?" So, no silence. The Stark smiled at him softly and nodded, then took his leave. It would not be long until Jon watched Robb walk away from him for the last time in years. Despite the pain, Jon knew he was ready to take charge of his life and choices. There is no place for me here. Not anymore.

Jon rose from the hall's table to go to the yard. He knew he could not watch alongside the retinue of the royal family or House Stark, as a bastard too close was improper. Lady Stark likely thinks I soil her sons' reputations with every breath.

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