Sukor the love night +18

Start from the beginning

Suraj knocks on it. "Chakor I'm sorry".

Chakor cries. "a sorry won't help!". He could hear her sobbing. Suraj felt bad. "Chakor please open the door...". Chakor shouts. "Why? That you can attack me again?".

Now Suraj was losing his patience... "Chakor just. open. the. damn. door!". He was hammering on it.

Chakor took a tissue and cleans her face then her nose... 🤧.

Suraj smiles just listening to her doings. "Chakor if you open the door I can apologise to you...". He said with calm voice and care.

Chakor jumped up and places a chair between the door and her. She just open a gap. Suraj was holding a rose 🌹...

Chakor opens the door fully she took the rose in her hand and smell on it. "It's real... 😊". Suraj was confused. "What? Why wouldn't it?".

Chakor lowered her gaze. "they are not...". She shows on the ground. Suraj looked at them and then back to her and shook his head with a smile everyone could melt... But not Chakor... "You wanted to say something?". She demands.

Suraj nods. "Haan".

"I'm sorry Chakor

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"I'm sorry Chakor... please don't think I'm carving for your body, I'm carving for your love and trust! I love you! I fall for you the day I saw you, but I have my problems to express and now with Anu back troubling my....". 😙😙😙😙 his lips were sealed...😗😗😗😗.

Chakor pulls him toward her, but he was trying to get off of her grip. Chakor bites him. "no! You are not going anywhere". Suraj got scared who is this woman? Chakor attacked him like a wild cat 😉.

Suraj was numb, he couldn't do anything as she was having the control...

Both land on the bed. Chakor was ripping off his clothes. Suraj was just looking at her with widen eyes... "c.. ch.. cha.. Chakor why do I feel now you are craving for my body?": Suraj was holding his arms in front of his upper body to cover.

Chakor glares at him. "Suraj!!! Enough of your play whenever you want, I have to be ready and today I want it and you are excusing what happen to your manhood does it has some erection problems???!".

Suraj has nothing to say... he removes his arms and hold her waist. "You women are so unreadable, in one moment you accuse us men's being hungry for sex and in the next moment you are ready to rape me?". He pinches her waist.

Chakor smirks. "Suraj tip for tat!". Suraj nods. "Oh!". Chakor nods.

Suraj was now lying over her he was giving her wet kisses on her neck. He comes near her ear... "You feel that...". oh she could feel it.. My manhood doesn't have any problem, but be sure, that today I won't leave you!".

Chakor looked at him suspiciously. "I didn't say you to stop!". Suraj looked on her...

He kisses her lips passionately both tongues were in a rhythm Chakor was used of it by now, she was used of everything of him. Suraj hands were moving around her body; he opens her dress and unfolds her bare body.

He has learned all her weakness one of them was her breast she loves it when he sucked on them while playing with the other one. She starts to moan her hands were playing with his hair as she wasn't sure, yet what her hands could do while he was giving her a pleasure moment.

Suraj went lower to her soft part he has now known every angle of it. He kisses and licks her. She moans louder saying him to give her comfort she needs to bear him...

Suraj was trying to loosen her tightness as he had assumed, that it might be a problem to enter her...

But Chakor was ready to be his.. he had come that far with her and now he is in a dilemma...

Chakor felt his distraction while she was giving him his pleasure... "Suraj what happen?". Suraj was looking at her. "Maybe we shouldn't..?". Chakor blinks with her eyes. "Are you afraid". Suraj nods... "me too". She said.

Suraj touched her forehead with his. Chakor you know na I have experience, what if I lose my control over myself? What if I hurt you?". Chakor looked at him... "Suraj I want it, but only from you. Please give it me! You have waited for this moment for a few months and me too now the wait has an end... Suraj please fill me with you!".

Suraj didn't need to hear more as he was already erect, he was continuously kissing her he again lied over her saying in her eyes... "it will hurt... u will say stop!". Chakor nods she had spread her legs for him...

Suraj starts to kiss her again to distract her mind from the upcoming pain... Suraj slowly find his way in her his fear, that it might be difficult was gone as he perfectly fits in her...

Chakor let a tear escape it was paining; but Suraj was very caring, he enters her slow - d hold in her. Not moving an inch. Chakor opens her eyes... Her voice was shaking.. "Su...Suraj what happen? Why you stopped?". Suraj looked at her and wipes the tear away. Chakor kept her hand on his cheek.

Suraj kisses her again, but with a slow movement in her... she breaks the kiss to moan... He looked at her waiting for her protests, but her face was having a glow and her lips formed a smile her eyes were telling him to continue...

Suraj was holding her tight moving inside her with less pressure...

Chakor moans his name...

Suraj got control over himself, but he knew he would lose it as soon as she starts to moan more... and she started to moan his name louder

"SURAJ!!!! Aaahhh".

Her hands were on the bedsheets she was clutching them and he was losing his control. He wasn't only entering her, he was making her to play along both have Synchronised their movements... her hips were moving to his rhythm.... he was in her she moved backwards he was moving out her she was moving forward...

Chakor was the only one moaning as he wanted to give her all he had...

Suraj was doing all the work in her she fall asleep n he was sleeping over and in her...


My secret Love affair - Sukor (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now