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(there was more to this dream, but i forgot it) June 1st (in this one i am myself, a human named Cindy)

i was in the kitchen with my dad with the window open and part of the window screen had a hole where our dog Dizzy tried to escape by clawing at it. my old freind Sidney came to the hole ad said hi. it was her birthday today so i told her Happy Birthday, she said thanks and gave me some kind of round ball of the same matierial of our screen on our window and left. (heres the wierd part) my dad said, "you can use that for a school project tomorrow!" with a smile, "ok, sure" i said ad put it i my room.


then i woke up...i know...very wierd....i didnt even understand just happeed and when i woke up i was thinkig to myself...what just happened? but, the facts in this dream were true, i have a friend named Sidney that i havet seen in awhile whose bithday was on the first. (i forgot to tell her happy birthday though...) i DID have a dog named Dizzy who scratched the window screen cause he wanted to escape...the hole is still there...but hes gone now...yea

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