One to Remember

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In an attempt to escape the confinements of the place I call home, I don't notice the body on the ground.

"Oh my god." I whisper, staring at the possibly dead person on the ground. I recall the cop shows I watch on TV. Cautiously, I kneel and place my index and middle fingers on the side of person's neck and gasp when a hand clutches my wrist.

"Good, you didn't scream." The not-dead person says. The person—he sits up, yawns, and rubs his eyes.

"What the heck are you doing just laying in the bushes, waiting for someone to trip over you?" I ask, relieved that I wasn't going to have to call the cops about a dead body in the bushes.

He chuckles. "Well having someone tripping over me wasn't exactly part of the plan."

"Are you homeless?" I ask bluntly.

His eyes widen. "You could say that." He mutters.

"M'kay, cool." I begin to walk away. He scrambles to catch up to me.



"What are you doing out so late anyway?"

I scoff. "What are you, my mom?"

We've both stopped walking now. "No, I'm just curious." He admits. "And bored. Mind if I come with you?"

I chew the inside of my cheek in contemplation. "Fine."

He smiles. "Great. Let's make this one to remember."


My hair was sopping wet as I climbed out of the lake. We'd gone cliff-diving, something I had heard, watched, and read about. Luckily, not-dead person knew the ideal place to go. Still didn't know his name.

"I still don't know your name." He said, his voice ragged from all the screaming he did on the way down the cliff.

"You just read my mind." I ask, not answering him.

He plops down on the ground and sighs in contentment. I join him, our wet shoulders touching. "So, we can check this one off your bucket list, right?"

"Technically, I don't have a bucket list, but if I did, then yes." I glance at him, then avert my eyes when I see he's already staring at me. "Thank you."

"For what?"

I smile ruefully. "For one of the best nights I've had in a while."

He hums in thought. "Well, thank you for giving me the initiative to do something with my life, other than sleeping in the bushes, waiting for someone to trip on me."

"Hashtag exposed." I say in a high-pitched voice, snapping my fingers four times in a Z motion.

He forms fists with his hands. "Fight me." We both break out in laughter.

I'm smiling so much, my face hurts. I turn to tell him another joke, when he presses his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. We break apart a few seconds later, our breathing ragged. "There's a couch in my basement that you can use."



He grins, "That's my name."

"I'm Joyce."

"Pleased to meet you."


One to Remember #MidnightSunMovieWhere stories live. Discover now