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Hello whoever is reading this,your looking amazing today.

As you know I havent really been...on Wattpad as much anymore,and havent updated as much. ..

Shit has been going on and wattpad is just being stupid and everything.

Lately me and my parents have been getting farther apart and I am getting less noticed in my family,I have actually been skipping family parties because of this reason.

Another reason is that I have been sick for a very long time now,but my mother has just been blaming it on the meds that I am taking.

I'm very sorry for the lack of updates,I just needed a little bit of a time off of wattpad so I might be taking a break.

I'm very sorry for the lack of updates,I just needed a little bit of a time off of wattpad so I might be taking a break

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I'll leave you with this beautiful image of your boy in makeup.

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