It Doesn't Work On Timelords

Start from the beginning

He stands slowly, as she grips his arm, syringe pressed into his neck. Rose moves for him but Kyra snaps. "Stay where you are, Barbie!"

Rose steps back.

Turning The Doctor to face Rose, Kyra nudges him forward with her knee. "Get to the observatory room. Now."

He smiles. "Want to look at the stars?"

"No cracks, Doctor!" She nudges him again. He shrugs and glances at Rose, mouthing, "It's fine."

She nods, worry written all over her face.


Back in the observatory, Mickey bends over a long white table with a lab coat and goggles on. Squinting at the layout of test tubes, viles and trays dropping a yellow drop into a test tube, then lifting it and pouring it through a funnel into a syringe, with Jackie and the Dr waching carefully.

The dr nods. "That's it Mickey."

When it's done, he sets it down and wipes his hands together. "There! Followed your instructions. That should reverse it then and then we're homefree?"

Rodgers beams. "Amazing job! You'd make a first rate scientist."

Mickey smiles then frowns. "Now why aren't girls ever around to hear stuff like that?"

Rodgers laughs, until Kyra marches in, holding the syringe to the Doctor's neck with Rose to the side.

"Everybody get on the floor or he dies!" she screams. The wide-eyed Jackie obeys. "Rose are you okay!?" she calls.

"Yes mum I'm fine."

"Shut up!" Kyra snaps as Mickey and Rodgers also obey.

"What happened to her?" Mickey gasps.

"The Ego Bug," the Doctor explains tensely. "Apparently it's a bit more ego boosting than it's supposed to be. It all makes sense NOW!"

"Doctor if you please..." Kyra snaps, pushing him to his knees, but he jabbers on.

"That's why that idiot planet wants to blow us to bits! And you know what? That's probably what happened to everyone on this planet except Rodger and Kyra caught in the lifts! They probably killed each other!"

"Doctor if you would please..."

"Don't you understand! It's not you!" he barks. "It's a chemically bolstered ego. Kyra you're an amazing person." He looks understanding eyes into hers. "An amazing person," he laughs a little "But you're not God."

Her face goes purple with rage.

"Don't you see it's the..."

This time she grabs a heavy pipe from the consul behind her and whacks him across the head with it. Crying out he grips his head, Kyra jerking forward with the syringe to keep it on his neck.

"Stop it!" Rose yells. "It doesn't have to be this way! This isn't you!"

Kyra laughs. "Like you know anything about me! Some pretty blond girl, you don't know what it's like to be hated! To live in hell and have no one care!"

As she talks the Doctor reaches one hand into his pocket and slowly lifts his sonic screwdriver.

Noticing this Rose talks on. "You're right, I am a stupid blond, I always got everything I ever wanted. And do you know what I did to emo punks like you? I'm sure you want to know! You want me to be the monster you can feel good about destroying! Okay then I'll tell you! I always made fun of girls like you behind your back! I always went to clubs and parties behind your back because they were freaks! Twats! Annoying little-"

The Ego Bug - A Doctor Who Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now