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A/N: So the next one is up, I this in some spare time, I have also promised an update of Anastasia MIlls, so I need to do that one as well, but I am unsure when.

Anyway, I dont have my notes with me here, so I dont know where I sorted everyone, so It'll be very Slytherin Based, since they are the ones I remember best.

P.S This is RonBashing, incase you didn't realise or know, I'm not a big fan of him to be quite honest.


The seventh years went next, there wasn't many that the eighth years recognized or knew, but familier faces like Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were ones to be remembered, both the Gryffindor and the Ravenclaw had gone to Slytherin, again stirring more trouble with Ron, who in the end had to silenced and confimation that a letter would be sent home.

He knew he would be getting a Howler soon enough.

Megan Jones had taken quite a shine to the new forming group within her new house, which she was rather joyful about conciering she was the only Ex-Hufflepuff, even after all the seventh years were sorted.

No one had joined Slytherin from any of the houses infact, within the seventh years except Ginny, Luna and a Ravenclaw called Regina, who seemed to be thrilled about moving house.

So Megan found herself ion the new group of friends, which consisted of Ginny, Harry, Luna, Regina, Hermione, Lisa, and suprisingly, Daphne, Draco and Blaise.

The sixth and fifth years went next, no one moving much, the odd Hufflepuff in Ravenclaw, or a Gryffindor in Ravenclaw, no one joined Slytherin at all in that year, and the only one that left was a young girl who joined Hufflepuff.

The fourth and third were even less of a change, there was about 5 people who moved, two Gryffindors went to Ravenclaw, a Hufflepuff went to Gryffindor, two Ravenclaws went to Hufflepuff and a Slytherin went to Ravenclaw.

The first years didn't need to be sorted again, so they all remained in their houses, so the second years went last, oddly enough, from the whole year, only one person moved house, a Ravenclaw went to Slytherin, looking proud as she did.

Since no one had joined Slytherin since the seventh year sorting, they welcomed her as their newest and strangest member, who in just one year had gone from wise, to sly and cunning.

When she sat down, near the new group of friends, she seemed to know some of them.

"Hey Hermione, Blaise, Draco." She greeted happily, holding out her hand to the girl next to Blaise, Daphne Greengrass.

"Hey Emma." Hermione grinned back as Daphne shook her hand.

"I'm Emma by the way, for those of you that don't know me, Emma Riddle." The small 12 year old announced proudfully.

"Nice to meet you," Daphne replied, while Harry sat rather confused as to why the Riddle, spawn of Voldemort, was so friendly, and how Hermione knew her, and yet never mentioned her.

"How do you know Hermione?" He finally asked, while she was introducing herself to Lisa, Ginny and Megan.

"We are related." Emma anounced.

Harry looked rather confused that again, she had never mentioned this.

"Luna!" Emma grined, noticing the Blonde beside ginny, and moving to sit next to her, as McGonagall finished whatever speech she had been saying throughout their talking, and food began to fill the empty table.

"Emma, welcome home." Luna smiled, meaning the table/house she was now in.

"Thank you, same right back at you, I dont need cover anymore, and I'm glad your here too." Emma murmered, Harry was again looking confused as to why these two girls were acting so friendly, and why Luna was no longer all childlike and had lost her dreamy personality, so quickly.

"Luna's my older sister, she went to stay with her godfather though, while the war was happening." Emma explained as if she had read his mind.


"There's a lot of thing's you don't know, don't act so suprised Potter." Draco smirked, as though he was keeping secrets of his own, which of course, he was, why else would he be sat next to 'Mudblood Granger' if it were not for some scecret relationship. Infact it was exactly that, she wasn't a Mudblood, she was a pureblood spy, for the darkside, she had been the niece of the Dark Lord, and his successor, should anything go wrong. So far she had told the Death Eaters to stay low, which most had, until she could manage to get out of school and host a meeting.

It was fair the say that the dark mark took a lot of effort to conceal it, but it was worth it, with all the infomation she managed to get from both the order and from Ron and Harry.

Hermione Granger wasn't even her own name, but it was one she had grown accustomed too, it was actually Raven Ridde, the surname from her father, who was actually the twin brother of Tom Riddle, and the only one in the Riddle family not to be murdered when Tom went AWOL.

Her parents, however, her real one's, had been killed when she was about 6, by order members, when, after the first war, they were discovered, and murdered, when they had not even attacked. From that day, she hated the order and the light side, even more, and agreed to be placed with a two death eaters who could pose as muggle's and fool even Dumbledore with their minds. These were two trusted members of the darkside, and the ones who taught Occulemency and Leginimens to all new recruits.


At 15 she had been introduced at the Dark Side properly, to only the trusted, one of which happened to be Lucius, who then had asked Voldemort if she would do the honour of courting his son, and with persuasion, he accepted, and they had kicked off perfectly as a couple as soon as Draco knew that she wasn't a muggleborn, and was wearing a glamour.

Infact there was a fair share of secret relationships, Blaise was with Ginny, Theodore was with Luna, and then of course Draco and Hermione.

"Like what?" Harry asked, curisoity knotted into his speech.

"Like this." Draco announced, pulling his hand up from the seat beside him which had Hermione's held within it, before putting them down of the table and looking back up at Harry.

"Oh come on Harry, your in Slytherin now, stop being so Naive." Hermione smiled, and began eating, Harry sat looking utterly confused, and everyone else followed Hermione's lead and began eating.


So thats another, took nearly an hour, sorry about the spelling, my spell check is down, so i'll edit it when i get home, but for now i just want to get this up, and go onto the next one i promised.

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