Chapter One

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I walk into the tedious, white room with linked metal tables and florescent lights, otherwise known as the school cafeteria. Finding the scuffed, off-white floors eerily intriguing, I make my way through all the countless students in which I wish to avoid. Sadly, it seems that I didn't wish hard enough. What's new?

A girl with long chocolate brown hair with too much hairspray in her perfect curls struts up to me, swaying her hips with each step. 

"Well, if it isn't Sierra Pike." She remarks snidely, shifting all of her weight onto one foot so that her hip is sticking so far out that she should have a large caution sign on it. She folds her arms over her chest, covering the word PRINCESS on her--what I'm assuming is pink--tank top. 

I roll my eyes. "Is there something you need Maisy, or have you finally come to get something to eat for once." I say through clenched teeth. Only bad things come from Maisy Gold's infrequent visits.

She lets out an unattractive cackle, tossing her head back in the process. "No, actually a friend of mine was in the school library yesterday afternoon--"

"Wait!" I hold up my hand. "Did you say that one of your friends actually went to a library?" I ask, feigning shock. She merely scoffs and continues on.

"As I was saying, my friend was in the school library yesterday afternoon and she told me that she saw a certain freak googling something... interesting." She smirks menacingly.

My body freezes. Oh God. She can't mean...

"Oh yes, I know all about your hideous illness." She says the word 'illness' as if it were a swear word.

I ball my hands into fists, refusing to show her my fear. "I'm colorblind, so what?" I ask her, making the matter seem unimportant.

"What color is the grass?" She asks, sounding astoundingly proud of herself with her question. I stare at her, flabbergasted, with my mouth agape. Is she serious?

"I'm colorblind, Maisy, not retarded." I retort, turning on my heels and stalking out of the cafeteria.

The fact that the Queen of Gossip knows one of my secrets starts to sink in and I mentally kick myself for being so careless as to research my cerebral achromatopsia on the computers at school. 


[[A/N]] How stupid is Maisy? Anyways, does anyone have any ideas on how I should introduce the new guy to Sierra? I need your feedback please!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2012 ⏰

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