chapter seven

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Quick authors note! I'm kinda sad but I'm not trying to ruin you day buuuttt I'm kinda sad that not much people votes on this story. Please vote on this story! Btw your comments make my day!

Y/n's pov
I woke up from my bed last night and I'm surprised that bill wasn't I'm my dream.

I walk to the kitchen to see my mom and dad gone again. They work to much. I lean on the counter drinking some orange juice.




All of a sudden surprise I feel someone blow on the back of my neck. I turn around quickly to see no one. Strange no windows are open. I turn back around all sip my orange juice.


I scream as I drop the cup if orange juice on the floor then look back behind me seeing bill laughing his ass off holding his stomach and wiping a tear out of his eyes then looks at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Your reaction was more funnier then pain!" Bill laughs and glares at me up and down.

I just look at him and walk to the fridge because it was not funny to scare me again so I'mma fake like he is a ghost.

"So y/n what should we do today?" Bill says leaning against the counter, arms crossed looking at me with a huge smirk.


"Hellloooo Earth to y/n?" Bill says walking up to me. "Did I hear something? Must be my phone" I say as I walk to my phone until bill grabs it and glares at me.

"Can't you hear me? Love?" Idk what Happened but the way bill said his words made me blush. He said it so soft that if could make you relax when your stressed.

Bill smirked and said, "your blushing, beautiful~". I cover my face so he won't see the blushing more.

Bill took both of my hands softly and putting them off my face and leans in. His lips was so close to mine that I could feel his hot breath hitting my lips. He was so close to kissing me until we hear a knock at the door which annoyed bill.

I push myself away from bill and walk to the door then open it. The person I seen was


Love makes you do crazy things (Bill cipher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now