Chapter 1

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A mother wept silently in the background. Her second child, a beautiful baby girl, was being taken away from her. The mother tried to not show weakness as she did not want the child to cry, but it was hard. Her older brother, a boy around five, held his mother's hand tightly but did not cry. He had to be strong too. For his sister. For his mother. For all of them standing there. The child was set in a wooden basket that had been weaved together by a couple of women that were unknown.  The basket was set on the water gently and pushed down the stream. As the baby flowed down the river silently, most people left. The brother gave her hand a squeeze as the tears started to dry on his face. The mother squeezed back and wiped her new tears from her pale face. Today was the day of misery they decided sadly. The boy hugged his mom and then ran back to the house. The mother stared as the basket ran along the stream and into the woods. "I can't....not again." she thought to herself with agony as she thought about her other little boy who had been pushed along. She looked around before she started to run. Her legs hurt and her muscles clenched painfully. But, she was going to make it. No matter what! But apparently another woman thought the same. She had already ran into the forest to catch her. She grabbed the handle as it soared past. The sound of a snapping twig caught her attention as she hurriedly took the child out and let the basket continue down. She ran out of the woods quickly and walked to her house as she hummed a sweet lullaby to the wide eyed girl. She examined her features. She had ginger colored hair and bright green eyes. The were not too narrow nor too wide; They were perfect. Light freckles dashed her cheeks and nose like constellations. She already had so many features even though she was only a month old. She opened her house where her husband came in to fetch the woman's shawl. It was supposed to be worn by all women on this fateful day that came once a year. The woman uttered a 'thank you' and walked to the kitchen to feed her. She grabbed a bottle but dipped a type of herbal recipe in it. She stirred it with a spoon and took the baby to a comfortable chair in the dining room. Her husband came in and sat across from her and examined the baby as well. He looked up at his wife, "Why do you insist on doing this?" The woman sighed and looked at him straightly, "Because, I just do alright? It's something that others couldn't figure out! We are the first ones to ever find out how to be immortal! And this herbal recipe will be given to her about six times a day...she will be very sufficient. Just like her mother. Their family line is always so healthy and full of life! Why, don't you wonder why she is so pale? Her child will be the same!" The husband sighed but knew he couldn't change her mind. The only reason he had done this was because he didn't want to leave the love of his life. Now, he realized he should've died when he had the chance. His wife was a beautiful sight indeed and besides her immortal obsession, she could light up a room with one smile; trying or not. She had hair as black as black tourmaline and dark blue eyes. She had no freckles or wrinkles or anything of that sort. her hair famed her face perfectly. It was short in the back and had long strands in the front. Her lips were a glossy pink. Even though she was on her seven hundred sixty second year, she still looked flawless. (A/N: I'm sorry if you don't like the animated picture but I just couldn't stand real people crap.)

He himself, wasn't as handsome

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He himself, wasn't as handsome. He honestly didn't know why she had married him. He had blonde shaggy hair and brown eyes. He had a mole under his left eye and didn't have any features either. He didn't like his mole and when they had come out with foundation, he was the first to buy it. But when he was around his wife, he would never put on foundation. His wife loved his mole and accepted him for him which he was glad for.

The babies mouth left the bottle with a 'pop' which caused her to laugh with joy

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The babies mouth left the bottle with a 'pop' which caused her to laugh with joy. He stared at his wife intensely, "Shouldn't we wait? It's only her first bottle after all." The wife nodded. "Yes...we should wait until she is stronger. Plus, she doesn't have a lot of it in her system yet...What should we name you?" She spoke the last part to herself but still awaited an answer from her husband. He shrugged, "What was the mother calling her?" She blinked a couple of times before she turned toward him, "Amelia. She named her Amelia." He thought hard. "How about Lia? It's like a nickname." She nodded and Lia yawned. "Off to bed we go. Come, Nash, lets go off to bed. We'll feel refreshed after the ceremony tomorrow." Nash nodded, "Well, off we go Wren." They walked into the bedroom and prepared for bed. Tomorrow would be a long day.


Okay! There you go my little Witches! First chapter of a book I don't even know the story line to! Well...let's do this! I hope you enjoyed my chapter! Please vote, comment, and follow me! I love you guys, future readers included, and I hope you are having a wonderful 24 hours! (Can't say day or night XD) Also, I will try to update this whenever I can!! Again, please follow B_M! Her link is up there ^^^^! I'm sorry for so many exclamation marks. I'm super excited because I have like three stories in my edits that have two or more chapters already! I'll try to get B_M to make me one of her special schedules so we can make a plan! I know I only have around three followers but, hey, I love to type and I love you guys! Okay. I'll stop. I need to do my math work before I fail school. Bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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