I have cwippling depwession.

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A week had passed by, Peter Liles was still getting bullyied by his classes. He would be called names like Peter Liles- Pedo phile , squidward and many other horrible names.

Everynight he would go home crying because someone called him bent.  It was usually T.Clarke
Who picked on him . Sometimes T would start fights in the middle  of a lesson or constantly talk over him. Peter was fed up. He needed to do something about it.

That evening , peter Liles went to have pherapy. He started of explaining his backstory...

Childhood flashback

Peter was walking home from school until he ran into the devil.... Johny Johny.

Johny Johny was the biggest bully around.  He would take sweets of young children and push old ladies over when they try to cross the road.

Peter got beat up really bad. He had  2 cracked ribs , his right arm was broken and his vocal chords got messed up pretty bad.
And that is the true story of why he has voice breaks every 5 seconds .

End of flashback

Thank you for reading I will try to update sooner. Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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