Chapter 64- The New and Improved Okami

Start from the beginning

"Who am I trying to impress?" Yuki responded, pretending to look around. "I don't see Nar- anyone I need to impress."

All the wolfs in the room seemed to smirk at the little slip up of Yuki. However, before any of them could give her a hard time for it, scar bursted through the house. Everyone froze as they looked at the white and brown wolf, who was trying to catch his breath.

"What's wrong, Scar?" Toboe asked.

"K-Kim!" Scar panted, making everyone freeze. "Her name, it's disappeared off the summoning list!"

"Wait! For that to happen, then she must have-" Melendy was cut off.

"Konoha's under attack." Yuki growled, slamming her hands on the table while standing up. The wolfs around her jumped at her sudden movement. "Damn it! That's why Naruto's chakra suddenly left!" Quickly she left the room to enter the room she had been using. There she quickly pulled her long hair into a high ponytail, then threw on her headband. Once she tied her red stash around her waist and attached her weapon poutch she was running out the house.

"I'll have Hige summon us as close as we can to Konoha." Toboe said.

Yuki nodded, Ace and Melendy standing beside her. "When we get there, I want all of you to try to help anyone who needs it. Don't worry about me, right now I'm sure the villagers and other ninjas need your help more than me."

Ace looked over at Yuki in worry, "Are you sure, M'lady?"

"I'm positive. Right now, I'm more than sure Naruto-kun needs me." She said, "And the village needs you to help them. Scar, you look for Kim."

Everyone seemed shocked at what Yuki said. "I don't want her body to be lost." Was all she said before smoke surrounded them and they were gone.


Unlike Naruto, Yuki was summoned out of the village. Although once she saw the smoke and darkness that filled the air around her precious village, her blood boiled. With clenched fist she began running towards the village, her wolfs following as she left a trail of colorful crystal behind her.

Before she had left she had entered herself in Sage mode, which allowed her to sense everyone in Konoha. She didn't allow herself to stop when she realized Kakashi was one of the many who seemed to have died. At the moment the only thing she let herself focus on was Naruto, who also seemed to have natural energy, meaning he too was in Sage mode.

"Yuki." Toboe said as he ran beside her with ease. "Don't let your emotions control you. We all know that with your crystal style if you lose control of your emotions, its likely someone will get hurt as well."

"Don't worry, I may be angry, but I'm not idiotic to let my anger control me." I answered.


Everyone in Konoha seemed to be watching the fight that was happening in front of them in awe. Naruto, alone, had already beat three of the orange haired men who called themselves Pain. But their awe was short lived and replaced by worry as Naruto was now staked to the ground. The only toads that were available were one dead old toad, and a grieving toad beside the dead one.

Just when Hinata was about to run down to try to help Naruto, a kunai was shot in front of him. Everyone watched again with interest, only those who knew the kunai were aware of what was about to happen.

Within a blink of an eye, a blonde girl appeared in front of Naruto. Naruto's eyes, now losing his Sage Mode, widened when he realized who it was.

"Sorry I'm late." She muttered, pulling out other kunais from her weapon poutch. It was then that Naruto realized the crystal that seemed to be forming from the air. "Naruto, before I begin fighting, you care to quickly tell me what I missed?"

"You just need to know who you're going against." Naruto said quickly. "The one in the middle, he is able to pull or repel you. The one to his right, with long hair, he can basically take out your soul. And the guy to the left, he is able to suck up any ninjutsu."

"Got it," Yuki said, "I guess I know who I need to get rid of first." She lifter her arm, the three Pain's tensed as they realized she was about to attack.

Their eyes widened when crystal shot out of the chest of the ninjutsu absorbing man. He fell forward and hit the ground. As none of the Rinnagan's were pointed towards the back of that man, Yuki had been able to get one down before they could attack.

Naruto looked shocked at Yuki, his only thoughts on how and when she had learned that.

The blonde turned around to pull one of the rods in Naruto's shoulder out. But as soon as her hands grasped the rod, she was pulled away from him.

Her eyes widened as she realized she was going towards one of the Pain's. Quickly, she threw one of the kunai's in her hand before releasing the seal on it. The Pain was slightly taken back at her sudden teleportation before the other Pain took off after her.

Yuki sensed him running towards her, and when he was close enough she swung her leg out to kick him. Her eyes narrowed her he easily dodged her attack, as if he already saw it coming. He grabbed her leg and swung her across the field, right to the other pain. Right before he let go though, Yuki placed a seal on him.

Yuki cursed as she found herself in the grasp of Pain, the first one Naruto had informed her about. His light purple Rinnagan eyes met her green wolf like eyes.

"Yuki Okami, you and the nine tails are to come with us." He ordered, gripping her neck.

Yuki held her hand to the side of her, forming a strange looking rasengan. The Pain holding her slammed her onto the ground, as if warning her not to even try to hit him with her jutsu that was still forming in her hand. Yuki only gave a smile, ignoring the pounding pain that was coming from the back of her head.

The man was confused at the sudden smile. Then he noticed the jutsu in her hand. It was much like the one that Naruto had used to get rid of some of the other Pains, but this one had crystal swarming around it.

Then the girl that he was holding down disappeared, making him stumble down to the ground. When he finally looked up he realized she has reappeared in front of the other Pain.

"Crystal Rasengan!" She shouted as the bright colored jutsu hit the man in front of her. First it send him flying back before exploding into large shards of crystal, stabbing him in multiple organs. And when he finally landed on the ground, the part that had been hit with the Crystal Rasengan was completely crystal.

Yuki slowly stood back up and glared at the last remaining Pain.


End of Chapter 64! Yes! I was able to get it out sooner than I thought! I hope you guys liked it, and I know that Naruto does origionally take down all the Pain's, but what would Yuki do if I kept it like that? This is just the beginning of the fight, don't worry the next chapter will have more fighting, and maybe even a confession :3

Now, if I can get ten comments, from other people, I will post the next chapter either tomorrow or the day after that. If I don't you will probably have to wait until Sunday until you can get the rest. ^-^

This chapter is not edited.

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