The Social Structure of a Hospital

Start from the beginning

"Thanks." Riza muffled to Emily, stilling eating her fry.

"He was her fiancé, left Riza at the alter. Literally. And she already has commitment issues." Mark elaborated from Emily's statement. Riza focused on her food, trying desperately to ignore the chatter around her. The chatter that the topic was of her. Riza heard Yasopp's soft curse and The uncharacteristic quietness of Shanks. She drank her coke, not looking up from her meal despite the many gazes that rested on her. "I thought Keith was going to kill him, she nearly drank herself silly that night at Jim's Bar & Grill still in her wedding dress." Mark's arm tightened around her shoulders, Riza still kept her head low. Her face burned with what she could only describe as anger and shame.

"And still, that wasn't the worst thing he did to her." Alice murmured. Riza's eyebrows furrowed, when did she get here? "Riza?" Alice asked, she was asking for permission.

"Why not?" Riza muttered, her violet head still low as ever. "The whole hospital knows, it's only a matter of time before they find out."

"That bastard blamed her for something she had no control over, something that nearly destroyed her." Riza heard the tremor in Alice's voice, it took a lot to unsettling the gynecologist. "There was a shooting at the hospital; Barton, the old chief and several interns were shot and in surgery. The stress of everything out the baby in distress and nearly caused a miscarriage. We rushed into surgery and preformed an emergency cesarean section, the baby died that next morning. That nearly killed her, destroyed her. After the wedding, Barton blamed her for everything. That it was her fault for the loss, that she wanted the baby to die."

"His name was Levi." Riza whispered.

Riza felt the air shift as Shanks stood, swiftly and made his way over to the table where the neurosurgeon sat. Benn, Yasopp and Roo followed their captain. Riza shrugged off Mark's arm off of her shoulder and she stood as well. "Shanks, don't do it. Barton doesn't care, he'll bring the marines down on us. Johnny still needs help here! Shanks!" She hissed, making her way over to her captain but Benn intervened. The first mate turned, catching the pirate surgeon in his arms. Riza struggled against him but she was no match. "Benn, talk some sense into Shanks! Please!" Riza gasped as she brought her gaze up to Benn's. He looked thunderous, he looked like he too was on the verge of killing Barton. Riza stared, she never seen Benn look like that, not even in a fight. Benn's face was set in stone but he didn't even try to hide his hatred for her ex.

Riza continued her hopeless struggle, she wasn't ready to leave the hospital yet or her family. Johnny still needed care. They couldn't afford to leave yet. "Shanks! Damnit, Benn!" She could see Barton turn to her captain and she watched as the blood drained from his face. She could feel Shanks' Conqueror's Haki as it activated. Even though it wasn't directed towards her, it chilled her to the bone. Riza knew that everyone in the cafeteria could feel it, Riza would even go as far as to say the entire hospital. She couldn't hear what Shanks said but Barton nodded, hurriedly. The red haired man turned and left the table, the whole cafeteria was silent. Benn released Riza and made his way to Barton's table. Benn, Yasopp and Roo remained for a moment before leaving. Shanks approached Riza, his own gaze darkened as he came to a stop in front of her. "Shanks?" She asked, hesitant.

Shanks pulled her to him and wrapped her up in a tight hug. Riza wrapped her arms around him, notting her hands in his cloak. Riza allowed herself to be held tightly by her captain, her shoulders shaking. Riza trembled, she couldn't seem to hold it in. Shanks tightened his hold on her, one of his hands rubbed her back. She inhaled Shanks' scent of the salty sea and rich rum. He planted his chin on top of her head. "You are a fantastic friend, Riza. My friend and crew. I cannot let anyone hurt a friend of mine and get away with it." Shanks began, his voice soft but Riza could hear the danger in his voice. His warmth enveloped her and she felt safe and at peace. "I can't forgive someone that hurt you in that way, any way and I can't let him get away with that."

"I can't forgive him either," she mumbled into his shirt, Shanks chuckled but it fell flat. Riza didn't try to hide the tear that slipped down her cheek. "Thank you, Shanks."

"Not a problem, Riz'. None of us can either. You can rely on us, just like we rely on you to keep us healthy to the best of your ability." Shanks pulled away to peer at her, he brought his hand up to swipe the tear away. "Now, how about we talk about those stories that Mark promised us?" Shanks asked with that grin of his that never failed to make her smile in return. Riza was grateful to have him in her life. Riza moved away, only to stop when something light landed on her head. It made a soft crunch, she looked up with an inkling of what she would see. Her gold gaze widened when she spotted his yellow straw hat on her head and not on Shanks.

Riza reached to hand it back but Shanks was already heading to the table, she smiled. Her heart felt warm and gooey. Who in the world believed that pirates were heartless? They obviously haven't met the Red Hair Pirates. Riza sighed and followed, rejoining the group. Trying desperately to ignore the smirking pirates at the table. "Looking good, Riza." Yasopp said with a lopsided grin, Benn shook his head next to him. Riza couldn't care less about promising them pain for their next check up.

The dark red headed woman with the name of Alice nodded, "I approve of them."

"Second." Lucy and Mira chimed. "Rat bastard." Mira growled in the direction of Barton.

Riza snorted, "I don't need you to approve, Ali." But she smiled, gratefully at the gynecologist. Shanks snatched a fry off her tray, he grinned as he continued to steal fries from Riza as Riza stole from the cup of pickles he acquired. They spent the remaining lunch sharing stories that progressively got more and more embarrassing for all parties. They laughed and when the doctors had to return to their duties, Riza included. She was scrubbing in on one of Alice's surgeries that afternoon. Riza beckoning Shanks to bend over and when he did, she placed his old straw hat back on his infamous red hair with a cheeky grin that matched his own.

Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates promised to meet them at Jim's that night for drinks. Jim's was a bar that was across the block from the hospital and many hospital staff and the island's finest frequent. Jim was a friend to most doctors and someone you could unload your hardships on without a worry. He gave advice when you needed it. Jim was a great man in Riza's opinion. Riza didn't think they knew what they were getting into, neither parties. It would be interesting, Riza knew that for certain.

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