♥-chapter fourteen-♥

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Officer Hulk wouldn't let us talk to each other until he'd had a chance to get our own version of events. I didn't dare risk telepathy, though the temptation was huge. 

There was so much rage in Dean. 'I'm not going to ask you what you were doing with him until we get back home,' he fumed, as he gripped onto the steering wheel driving me down the station.

Now there's something to look forward to. 

'But you are in trouble, Kenzie. You broke our trust. We asked you to keep away from him for your own safety.'

He was right. Of course, he was right. Dean was always right. I shouldn't have chanced the night with Harry - the minute I saw him, I should've told him to go away. Or I should've at least picked up the courage and walked away myself. Why didn't I? None of this would've happened.

'And I did not expect to have to spend my evening ferrying you to the town lock-up!'

I hugged my knees, my head buzzing.

'We're trying to make a good name for ourselves, Ken, and your anticts aren't helping. Mr Reigns might just send us packing if we reflect badly on his centre.'

I dropped my forehead to my knees. I'd been bad.

Dean looked across at me, alerted by my silence that all was not well.

'Oh, bloody hell, darling, don't do that.' He pulled the car over and caressed the top of my head. 'I'm just scared for you.'


'You make me feel like a monster. I'm cross, but it's more at those idiotic boys than you. I know you didn't have anything to do with that. Please.'

I looked up at him. His face softened - he must have seen the tears in my eyes. 'I just wanted to be with him.'

'I know, love.'

'Is that so wrong?'

'Not in the normal course of things, no.'

'We just went to the café. We kept our masks on the entire time we were on the streets.'

Dean heaved a sigh. 'Oh, to be sixteen again. Just a coffee and it's become a police matter.'

'Harry's on edge because of what happened in the woods. The axe boy was really convincing - and I screamed - I couldn't help myself. Harry thought I was in danger.

'So, he over-reacted. I can understand that seeing it's my fatal flaw. Let's go and find out what we can do for him then.'


Harry was sitting in the waiting area with his head down. As the door swung open and I entered, Harry looked straight up, but the officer ushered me through without letting us talk. I heard Harry swear and kick something that sounded a lot like a bin. I was taken into Officer Hulk's office as the Gordon twins were leaving in the custody of their mother. I wished I'd had time to change out of my skeleton suit.

'Not her fault,' mumbled the bigger twin.

'Looks like trash to me,' said Mrs Gordon, her nose in the air.

'Kenzie, take a seat.' Officer Hulk pushed a bottle of water towards me. 'I think I've got the full picture now, but how about you tell me your side of it all.'

I briefly ran through the events of leaving the café.

'What I can't understand,' said the officer, scratching his chest wearily - it had been a long night and it was only midnight, 'is why Harry couldn't see it was a joke? He's a big guy taking on a guy a head shorter than him. It just don't click for me.'

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