♥-chapter thirteen-♥

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'What kind of dressed up?'

'Any kind of fancy dress. Witch, ghoul, voodoo-doll-hanging-over-the-corpse-of-a-dead-granny-from-the-cellar - that kind of stuff.'

'Sounds fun.'


To my embarrassment, it was Dean the one to help me with my Hallowe'en costume. He was really into the idea of it, using materials in his art and getting carried away. But it's a good fatheer-daughter bonding time. With Debbie decorating the house, Dean was helping with mine, making Debbie one, and also pitched himself one together.

'You're not thinking of coming with me?' I asked in horror as he placed the masks in the kicthen on Hallowe'en morning. 

'Of course.' His tone was deadpan but I caught the laughter in his eyes. 'Just what a teenager wants: her parents tagging along to her friend's party after her first evening out after being grounded.'

'Tell me he's lying!' I appealed to Debbie.

'Of course he is. But we need costumes for when the Trick-or-Treaters come round for sweets,' said Debbie.

'You're gonna hand out sweets dressed like that?'

'Yep.' Dean tapped his skull mask affectionately.

'I'm glad I won't be home.'


My friends met up outside the shopping market at seven, forming a gaggle of witches, ghosts, and zombies. The atomosphere was perfect: dark, moonless, and there was even mist to add to the ghoolish theme. Zoey had dressed in a fantastic vampire outfit. Lisa chose the warlock look, pointed hat and long cap, face painted with silver stars. David came as zomblie - ha, to no surprise. I fel a bit self-concious in my figure-hugging skeleton suit. 

David tapped on the top of my plaster skull. 'Knock, knock, who's there?'

'It's me - Kenzie.'

'It's me, Kenzie who?'

'Shut up, David.'

He laughed. 'You look great. Where did you get the suit from?'

I took off the mask. 'Dean made it.'


'Can we get moving, Lisa?' I asked.

'Yeah, let's.'

Lisa handed me round pumpkin-shaped lanterns on the end of poles and we processed through the streets, enjoying the show. Little children paraded past with their parents, dressed in a bizarre selection of costumes. 

As we neared Lisa's house, a werewolf emerged from the mist to join our group, complete with full-faced mask sprouting hair from ears, and a pair of shaggy paws. On any other night, this would have be cause for an alarm; on Hallowe'en, no-one batted an eyelid.

The werewolf slipped through the crowd and sidled up to me. Bending down, he growled in my ear.

'Harry?' I yelped.

'Ssh. I don't want people to know I'm here. And don't, you know, think to me, in case someone's listening in.'

I started to giggle, absurdly glad he had sneaked out to see me. 'Ah, Wolfman, you are a master of disguise, fooling the bad guys with your cunning.'

'I blend in, don't I? I knew you'd be out after dark, so here I am.'

I really didn't need a reminder of the real horror haunting us on this night of pretend horrors, but I could feel happier now he was beside me.

Soulmates. (Harry Styles) -completed-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat