♥-chapter seven-♥

Start from the beginning

My stomach did a flip. The gesture felt almost territorial. And what was this? Harry Styles being nice to me? There was me thinking the boy didn't know the meaning of the word. 

'And I say I had a little help,' I replied, giving him my hardest stare. What was his game? Had he really told me what to do? It was driving me mad not knowing what was real and what I had imagined. 

'You rumbled, Harry: we all know you didn't bend the ball like you usually do,' said Lisa. She gave me a worried smile, clearly not mising the casually way Harry had touched my bag strap and put it onto my shoulder. Like, what was the point in that? Not that I didn't like the feeling of Harry touching me.

Harry held up his hands in surrender. 'I was just lulling Kenzie into a false sense of security. Next time I won't be so easy on her.'

Zoey hooted, ejoying the flirtatious undercurrents to the conversation even if Lisa and I weren't. 

'No way,' gasped Zoey. 'Harry Styles, you built up this image of the meanest guy in the year and now we know you're a sucker for little British Brunettes looking all dewy-eyed and defenceless.'

'Zoey!' I protested. 'Don't make me sound dumb.'

'Miss Congeniality shows her temper! I knew you had to have one somewhere,' said Zoey, fascinated by my prickly response.

'You'd be like that too if you lived looking like the way I do. Nobody takes me seriously.'

My tempter only rose a notch when all three of them snorted with laughter. 

I asked with annoyance, 'So I'm a joke, am i?'

'Sorry, Ken,' Lisa apologised, holding up a hand to prevent me from storming off. 'It's just you looked so fierce when you said that.'

'Yeah, really scary,' agreed Zoey, struggling not to laugh. 'Like Bambi with an Uzi.'

'And just so we're clear, none of us think you're dumb,' said Lisa. 'Do we?'

'Definitely not,' Zoey chipped in.

'But I have to agree with Zoey,' Harry said, supressing a grin. 'You don't do mean as well as me, babe. Maybe I should give you lessons. Make sure you be careful, Kenzie.' He brushed his hand lightly down my arm and walked off, leaving my inside doing a little tap dance. 

'Man, that's one cute butt,' sighed Zoey, enjoying the rear view.

'Don't talk about his butt,' I said crossly. That set their giggles off again. 'And stop laughing at me!'

I walked on ahead of them, ignoring their calls for me to come back.


'I think you're falling for Harry,' Lisa pointed out as she, Zoey, and I made our way down the stairs to find close seats to watch the baseball game. 

'Enough of that,' I groaned. 'I mean, how can I fall for Harry after the way he treated me?'

'You heard that saying, haven't you? When a boy bullies a girl, it means he actually fancies her.'

'Yeah - when you're in year one.' I sighed, 'What makes you even think Harry likes me - more importantly, what makes you think I like him?'

Lisa shrugged. 'Well, I've never seen Harry act so nice around a girl.'

'You noticed?' I asked as we sat down in the second row. 

Lisa nodded. 'I think he's up to something, Kenzie.'

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