chapter eight.

En başından başla

"yeah i'm okay, i'm just really worried."

"why is that?" beverly led them to the candy aisle as they talked, looking for the licorice. "i just have to pick some licorice up for a friend. she told me its her favorite."

"i was riding to town earlier and i saw henry bowers and his goons riding towards me in his car. i had a mini freak out because i wasn't prepared for a beating today." he paused and grabbed a bag of the red candy from the shelf and handed it to her. "but as they rode by i saw a girl in the backseat, she looked like she was crying. i'd never seen her before today."

beverly felt her face pale. 'it can't be cass, she was with the boys today.'

"i followed the car because i thought she was hurt. it's a good thing i did, or the poor girl would have gotten hurt even worse."

they walked up to the counter and beverly paid the cashier, sending him a quick thank you before they exited the store.

"how bad did they get her?" bev asked, pressing a cigarette from the box she had stolen to her red lips, before lighting it with her lighter.

"patrick really did a number on her. she had a swollen eye, a scratch on her cheek. he did some things i would rather not say to her. i didn't get there quick enough to prevent it. i walked in the house and hit him over the head with a rock. i carried the poor girl all the way to my bike, then rode her home." as he finished his story, he finished unlocking his bike.

"did she say her name?" bev asked.
'please don't say what i'm thinking.' beverly silently pleaded, biting her bottom lip.

"she said her name was cass."

   BEVERLY SPRINTED DOWN THE STREET, not caring about the ice and snow she could slip in. she dodged people on walks. she ignored mikes calls from behind her.

as she ran, she didn't think about anything else besides cass. she turned for a slight moment, and ran straight into someone.

"what the fuck dude!" richie tozier shouted, as the two fell to the ground. she felt someone pull her up by the hand, and help her to her feet.

"sorry richie, thanks for helping me up bill. i gotta go, something happened!" with that she took off running again. she ignored the boys protests and questions, and turned the corner towards cassandras house.

she ran for another five minutes without stopping. she turned into their driveway and knocked on the door frantically.

the door opened, revealing a very pissed off danny frayser.

"what the hell are you doing here, you just left like three hours ago."

"mike hanlon told me what happened, he's the one who saved her. is she okay?" she pushed past him and slipped off her shoes.

"well just let yourself right on in! make yourself at home!" he muttered. she began to run up the stairs when danny stopped her. "shes really shaken up, be gentle. shes asleep." he let go of her shoulder and she smiled softly and nodded before continuing up the stairs.

she opened up cassandras door, before closing it all the way. she made her way over to the bed, setting the bag of licorice on the table, and sat next to cassandras sleeping form.

even in the darkness you could see her swollen cheek. it had puffed up terribly. beverly reached out and caressed it softly. cass winced, and stirred. she began to sit up but let out a strangled cry before laying back down.

"shh, you're okay. i'm here." beverly cooed, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to cassandras head. she stood up, and cass reached out to grab her hand.

"don't go." she rasped, worry filling her eyes.

"i'm not going anywhere." bev answered, before climbing into cassandras bed and laying with her.

they turned to face each other, their faces so close together they could feel their breath on each others faces.

"you smell like cigarette smoke. and licorice." cassandra whispered. beverly smiled and shushed her, before cass snuggled into the red heads chest and drifted back to sleep.


authors note

this chapter was rushed. sorry guys

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