"That's because he is! I'm dating Peter," announced Iola. A couple people who had been there for the prom photos mumbled their agreements. Flash was shocked and looked angry. His hands balled into fists.

"What makes Peter better than me? I'm richer, better looking, and popular!" Flash yelled, his face red with anger.

"One, I'm Iola Stark, your money isn't interesting," said Iola breaking out of Peter's hold. Everyone snickered at her words. It was true, Flash may be rich, but Iola was the daughter of the richest person in the world. Even if the money was split in between Iola and Rylan they'd still be richer than Flash by a landslide. "Two, whoever said you were better looking? Last time I checked the guy I like doesn't have crusty hair. Three, how did you ever get the idea that I'd be impressed with your popularity? Peter is sweet, cute, honest, heroic, and a much better person than you. Don't ever touch me again."

Everyone started hollering and telling Flash how badly he was just roasted. Iola however, grabbed Peter's hand and pulled them outside.

"Sweet, cute, honest, and heroic?" Peter asked with a blush. "You really think that?"

"Of course. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?" Iola asked turning pink at the embarrassment. Before Peter could say something to her however, people started screaming and running. The couple quickly looked over to see a man walking towards them. Iola gasped when she saw the face however. Its head was red and he had no skin, it was just the skull.

"Who's that?" Peter asked moving in front of her as the man walked closer.

"I have no idea," said Iola, "he doesn't look very nice though."

"Dr. Zola's formula predicted the birth of two powerful Stark kids long ago. It also predicted the threat of you, Peter Parker," said the man. Peter's eyes widened at his words. How did he know who Peter was? It was a good thing that everyone else had evacuated the building.

"Who are you?" Iola asked bravely.

"I, am Johann Schmidt. Head of HYDRA and I possess the power of your precious Captain America," said the man getting closer to them. Peter grabbed Iola's hand and gave her a panicked look.

"We have to get out of here. We don't have any weapons or anything," he said before pressing his lips together. "We can't just leave either though."

"Yeah," said Iola before thinking. "If you get me close enough to him, I can push him into the Astral dimension. Or the mirror dimension."

"Which one is more practical for this?" Peter asked grabbing a platter off the floor. While Peter did so however, Schmidt pulled out a pistol and started shooting at them. Peter quickly used the platter as a shield, helping Iola slowly make her way towards the HYDRA leader. When they reached him, Iola pushed him back, forcing his astral form out. Nothing happened however and Schmidt grinned.

"He doesn't have a soul," gasped Iola before Schmidt shot her. Peter shoved her to the side, ensuring that the bullet only hit her side.

"Are you ok?" Peter asked with wide eyes when the blood started to seep down to the white skirt. Iola quickly put pressure on the wound and drew in shaky breaths.

"Did you think a simple push would defeat me?" Schmidt asked laughing. He then pointed the pistol at Peter. "The formula said you two would be powerful."

"Peter!" Ned shouted tossing one of Peter's web shooters at him. Peter quickly ran and got it, dodging the bullets shot at him. He then webbed Schmidt to the wall much to his anger. Peter ran to Iola, noticing how pale she was looking.

"Hold up, hold up. Move your hands," said Peter urgently. Iola moved her hands and Peter used his webs to create a bandage of sorts, keeping in as much blood as possible. He winced at the sight of blood all over Iola's hands.

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