Troubling Paris {2}

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Okay, I tried to make this one longer, but what is like three or so pages on Word, is like only one on here..... I don't make the chapters short on purpose, it just kinda happens.... :\ Anyways, enjoy!!!! <3

PS: The picture is of Lina's NATURAL eye color.


Chapter 2

"Bye Uncle Alex!"My seven year old niece called, hugging me as I got in my car.

"Bye Kay."I said.

I sat in my driveway watching until she ran up to her second grade teacher stood on the playground. I laughed and slowly pulled out of the parking lot, and headed off to the police station.

"Hello Alex."The chief said.

"Morning."I replied, handing him his coffee.

"Thanks. You're running a little late today, better get a move on, on your route."He said gently.

I nodded my head, signed a few pieces of paperwork, and headed out to my squad car.

My route was usually pretty boring, because it was the route around the local college. It was a Friday, and I had the weekend off, so I would get to spend it with Kay. I was driving down the road that led from college to downtown when I saw a black Volkswagen Bug pulled over to the side, with a head lying on the steering wheel. I could tell it was a woman by her long, wavy black hair, and her small hands that were clutching the wheel. I pulled up behind her, and slowly got out of my car, and walked over to her.

"Ma'am, are you alright?"I asked, surprised when her head lifted up, and she looked at me with bright teal colored eyes.

"Yes officer, I'm fine."She said, though her voice broke.

"Are you sure?"I prodded gently.

"Yes officer."She said again.

"Okay, drive safely."I said, walking slowly back to my car.

I heard her start her car, and heard "The Little Girl" playing softly. Some part of me somehow knew that that was the cause of her crying. The rest of my day was the usual uneventful day. At two I went to pick up Kay from school, and took her home to the nanny, before heading back to finish off the remaining three hours of my Friday. As I drove down the lonely stretch of road, I thought of the woman in the car. She was very beautiful with her long shiny black hair, and her odd teal colored eyes. Her face had been unlined and pure, so I figured her to be in her early twenties. It was her eyes, besides the color that had caught me. There was sadness, and a shock that was there, like she had seen something no one ever should. It gave me the image of a young child lost and alone, and seeing her made me want to hug her and console her. Having so many thoughts banging around in my head I prayed silently for the woman, and that she would fix whatever was bothering her.

When my shift was over I headed home to find Kay sitting at the table eating macaroni and cheese. I gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head before turning to the nanny.

"Would you like some?"She asked.

"Yes please."I laughed, sitting down beside my niece.

"Uncle Alex guess what!"Kay cried.

"What?"I asked, turning to face her.

"Mike asked me to be his friend today on the playground!"She cried happily.

"Mike?"I asked protective over my sister's daughter.

"Mike Wallaby, you know red hair, freckles...?"Kay asked, her excitement dimming.

"That Mike."I said, taking a big bite of food.

"Yes silly Uncle Alex, that Mike."Kay replied, handing her empty bowl to her nanny.

"Do you have any homework?"

"Nope, it's Friday!"Kay called, skipping down the hall to her bedroom.

"Anything else Alex?"The nanny asked.

"I think that's it Mary. Thanks."I said, handing her the money for today.

"I'll go say goodbye to Kay. See you Monday."She said.

My sister Katherine and I were very close. She was 7 years older than me, and when she went off to college, she fell in love with Jonathan Wright. The year I entered college our remaining parent died, putting off the wedding for some time. Jonathan's parents were already dead, so I escorted Katherine down the aisle. Later that year Katherine gave birth to her first child, Kay. A few months later Jonathan and Katherine went on a trip to Europe. Their plane went down, and they both died. With no other family I was left to raise a two month old girl, and I had just turned 18. By the Grace of God I made it through college, and got a job as a police officer. Now Kay was seven, I was 26, and things weren't any easier. Katherine had been gone for almost eight years, and Kay had barely known her.

Kay and I lived in a decent three bedroom house, though one bedroom I used as a study. Since I got off work later than Kay was finished with school, I hired Mary to watch over her Monday through Friday. Mary was an older woman, but Kay loved her, and she was a Godsend for me.

I finished my dinner and slipped it in the dishwasher and started it, before going back to take a shower. When I got out I checked the time and saw it was already after seven. I slipped on my pajama bottoms and padded quietly down the hall.

"Alright come on Kay."I said, coming into her room.

"But Uncle Alex, Ken just asked Barbie on a date!"She cried, indicating the mess of barbies on her floor.

"I'm sorry but their date will have to wait until Sunday."I said, lifting her up into her bed.

"Why Sunday? Can't I play tomorrow?"Kay asked, concerned.

"Well I guess you can play barbies, but I was planning on taking you to Disneyland."I said, standing and leaving.

"Wait never mind, I'll go to Disneyland!"Kay cried.

"Well you better get to sleep then."I said, pulling the covers up over her.

"Night Uncle Alex."She murmured.

"Goodnight."I replied, heading for my office to work.

I was trying to become an ordained preacher, but it was slow going. I managed to work on it sometimes, but not very often. After working for a few hours I shut my computer down and shut off the light, before heading to my own room and crashing, my last thought of the woman in her car crying.

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