one thing I can say

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Carlos POV.

Wait...what happened? Did i pass out? But how last time i passed out i was on the isle. not on the isle am i?! Please tell me i wont wake up to it all being a dream! I-I ca-ant han-ndle it b-being a drea-am!

Evie POV
After Carlos passed out we took him back to the dorms to await his awaking." Evie! His breathing doesn't look right!" I hear Jay yell aross the room."he must be having a panic attack"i say knowing the past experiences with this., I quickly run over to him pulling his body onto my lap as I start to play with his hair and whisper conferring words into his ear. After about 3 minutes he's peacefully resting again. I lay him back down and walk back to my friend's.

Time skip

Carlos POV

I opened my eyes to be nearly blinded by the light. After my eyes adjust. I notice I'm back in my dorm. But Mal, Evie, Lonnie and Jay are all sleeping around the dorm. Suddenly I remember what happened before I passed out I went crazy on Chad. Oh my friends must hate me now. Their probably here to tell me to go back to the isle. Or I have time go to an insane loom. I'm gonna be a friendless insane lunatic.. I'm gonna become MY MOM. I was so caught up in my negative thoughts I didn't notice that I was now crying onto my knees until I heard someone's ask me what's wrong very awkwardly.. Jay.. "I'm f-fine -J-jay. " I mentally frown at my fail to sound like I wasn't  just crying. "Your crying into your knees, your not fine, I'm gonna wake the others,cause   I'm still not good with feelings. " I silently continue to cry as Jay wakes everyone else. Why am I such a failure... Why a i so fucking worthless.. It's not fair. I just want to be noticed. Not even noticed just..understood. I can't keep having these conversations with people in my head! Their not real! I'm talking to literally no one, myself, a imaginary person! Social stuff just doesn't work for me.  I can't be a NORMAL human!  I don't know what to do... I know I need help.. Needing help just runs through my family's blood. But I don't understand what's wrong with me.  Am I crazy, paranoid, depressed? It the one thing I haven't been able to find an answer for.  If I'm such a genius I'd know already. But I don't.  I've failed at the one thing I'm good at. That why when someone asked me what's wrong my mind could only say one thing...  "I've failed. "

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