Chapter One

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Over the course of two years, I had learned a great deal of combat, survival, and emotion block.
Emotions went away quickly after I realized that the closer I got to people, the more it would hurt when I lost them.
And I didn't need that kind of distraction.
Jek'ia was my close companion but I only stayed by his side through the worst of things.
I felt no passion or love for him.
He was a comrade.
That was all.
As for combat, Jek'ia taught me a great deal about Yautja fighting and I was amazing when it came to hand to hand combat. I was also great with the aliens technology and so I could control their weapons and other fancy gadgets.
I didn't though.
Instead I had created a fancy bow and arrows.
They took months to hand craft myself but eventually they were done.
And then it took me a year to learn to shoot it.
Now, I was great at it and it was my preferred weapon.
Though, I was a great aim with any type of gun too.
Jek'ia also spent a good amount of the year teaching me any type of sportsmanship he could.
And since I was a quick learner, it wasn't long before I was shooting and slicing on my own.
And last but definitely not least.
In the world now, the only way to survive, was to either fight or run.
There, of course, was no in between.
And since there was no where to run, Jek'ia and I always fought.
And won.
Now we walked alongside the rode searching for supplies.
Jek'ia's sorrow filled eyes searched the crush for anything moving as I scouted out the land with my Now raised and ready to fire.
There was a gas station a few miles ahead and so I walked faster.
The bag on my back was heavy but it only made me stronger.
My body had gained a lot of muscle due to the constant running and fighting.
I relished the sweat that ran over the scars on my neck and into the valley between my breasts.
I stocked up on canned foods and made sure to grab some near for Jek'ia.
He was hungry and growing tired.
I sighed and started a fire.
We would defiantly be here over night.
I warned my hands as the temperature dropped with the Sun.
Jek'ia came through the brush with three dead rabbits in his claws.
He sat and started to rip their skins off.
He then began to rip into one.
He offered the others to me but I shook my head and held up the good id gotten.
Jek'ia insisted.
"Go ahead Jek'ia. I've got my own." I stated and he pulled his arm back.
He ate the last remaining rabbits and then laid on his back.
I sat up staring at the fire.
The breeze blew my hair and I hissed as it tickled my neck.
I went to swipe it back when my fingers made contact with the raised skin where my scars of mate marks were.
I gently ran a few fingers over them and felt my eyes grow wet.
That day he marked me, I felt something deeper than love and the bond that formed between us, was unlike anything of ever experienced before..
I growled and refused to cry.
He was gone and his name was to never be spoken again.
I took first watch that night..
The night had gone by quickly and I had gotten no sleep.
I woke Jek'ia up and served him some rabbits that I had caught this morning.
He quickly scarfed them down and we headed back home.
It took about an hour and a half to get home depending on how many times we stopped.
My legs burned as we trudged up hill to the house.
I opened the door and sighed.
I dropped my bag and stripped my tank top off.
It was soaked with sweat.
Jek'ia came in throwing all of his old armor off letting it clang to the floor.
However he stopped and growled.
Before the apocalypse, that growl would have been annoying, now I depended on it.
"What is it." I demanded and aimed my bow.
He held his hand up signaling for me to stop.
I did as told and waited.
Soon a wavy figure suddenly appeared.
My bow dropped and my mouth was agape in shock.
"No.." I whispered.
Jek'ia stood in front of me defensively.
Cher'ek stood tall and growled back.
His fists clenched.
"Step away from her." He growled lowly.
"Perhaps it would be wise if you left. Again." Jek'ia responded .
Cher'ek snarled.
"Max get away from him." He demanded.
"No." I stood my ground and picked my bow up.
"Why are you here." I demanded.
Cher'ek stood and glared at Jek'ia.
"To take you to my planet." He stated.
"I don't go anywhere without Jek'ia." I said angrily. "And even if I wanted to go to your planet, I wouldn't. You've got a mate there." I snapped and walked to the kitchen.
I opened the cabinets and pushed the canned foods to the back of the cupboard.
Jek'ia came to help and we were done quickly.
"Tomorrow I think we should clear the back yard. It would take some work but I think if we get into the forest, maybe we'll find deer or some other animals other than rabbits." I planned with Jek'ia.
"I could draw them to me and you can get them and pick them off. I'll take the rest." I said.
"It's too dangerous. I'll draw then to me." Jek'ia argued.
"Fine. I'm going to bed." I said dropping my bow on the table and walking upstairs.
"And him?" Jek'ia asked crossing his arms and jutting his chin towards Jer'ek.
"He can stay or he can go. It's up to him and I don't give two fucks."
I continued up the stairs and walked into my bedroom.
Jek'ia had taken the guest room and I'd taken my room back.
A growl sounded before I shut my door and I sighed.
I stripped my pants and underwear off along with my bra and laid down on the bed.
It was hot outside and I was dying of this stupid sweat that coated my body.
The door creaked open and I didn't look up.
"What do you want Cher'ek." I mumbled.
When he didn't answer I looked up.
He was staring at my scars.
I quickly covered myself with my blankets.
I had been hurt many times over the two years.
I bared them as marks of my failures.
Only Jek'ia could see them.
Because he was there.
"Go away!" I snapped and stood up with the covers surrounding me.
Cher'ek's gaze turned to the marks he left on me and I turned away.
"You don't deserve to be here." I whispered.
His clawed hand found my shoulder.
"I was ordered back right away by the elders. It was a dangerous journey and my ship was not fully functional. I did not leave out of will." He explained.
"You could have said goodbye. " I growled and pushed his clawed hand off of me.
He growled and walked past me out of my door.
I sighed and laid down again.
Soon I was off into a restless sleep where no peace claimed me.
Monsters and broken hearts filled my head and I silently cried when I awoke..

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