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When Evey got home, she felt the need to write in her journal.

'I saw you again today. You were everywhere and I was both joyful and saddened. The people who recognized me gave me a slight nod in respect, which I returned, not for me, for you. V.' Even writing his name was hard still. 'I got a few new shirts and a scarf. I really wish you were here to see it...I wish you were here to see all of this...' her hand started shaking and she wanted to put her pen down, but only for a moment. All the pain that was building up inside her wanted to rush out onto the pages of her journal, so she did, she decided to just keep going, her writing becoming more shaken.

'V, I love you and I miss you so dreadfully. I wish you were here to see me again, to hug me, let me hear your heartbeat alive and well, hear your voice telling me you're here, that you're alive. To feel the rise and fall of your chest, your gloved hand stroking my hair, your warmth against my body...god V I miss you so much. I know you'd want me to move on but my dear V I just can't.' By this point she was shivering lightly, . 'Why did you have to leave me so soon...' she wrote as a single tear made its way down her cheek. 'why did you have to go...'

She closed her journal and put her head down on V's cherry wood desk near the Wurlitzer.

"I understand," Evey said, "but yet I don't..and I don't even know what I do and don't understand.." she sniffled. "Is it you? Is it your presence? Is it your home?..." she said aloud, as if he was going to answer her.

She paused. "Maybe it was the way we said goodbye.."

She felt the air shift around her and it sent a shiver down her spine. She shut her eyes and breathed in. The gallery smelled like V, as she was becoming to smell like him too.

"Maybe mourning is a good thing for me right now. For Gordon and for V." Evey whispered. She hadn't thought as much about Gordon and this she regretted. He was her best friend, and she apologized for that by drawing him in her journal. After that, she drew V. Scarlett Carsons in his left hand, a dagger in his right. He drew his Guy Fawkes mask tilted away from his face, but drew nothing underneath the mask. "Best to leave it be."

Hey guys!
I know I was a lil bit late on this one but I'm working on the next part right after I publish this so I'll make this AN short!
MyLittleHabit out!
(If there's any mistakes I'll come back and fix them 😄)

Ideas are bulletproof (V for Vendetta)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora