Chapter 7

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A car pulls up into a three storeys building with a popular micro-finance bank on the ground floor. The passenger in the car comes out and heads straight into the bank. Guards in uniform at the bank gate greet the passenger from the car as the man, seventy years old, 5ft 6inches, grey hair and bulging tummy wearing grey Italian suit slides pass them into an inner office. The man knocks on the door of the office and Jude's father sitting inside the officer asks the person on the other end to come in. Chief enters with a disapproving gesture, ready to make trouble.

As Jude's father sees the man, he knows it is not a casual visit and tries his best to comport himself.

"I saw your car in the driveway and the thought came to my mind to remind you of the money you still owe me."The man said standing

"Chief, why don't you take a sit?" Jude's father said pointing at a leather office chair in front of him.

The man ignores the offer and continues. "This is not a courtesy visit; I am getting impatient with you."

Jude's father takes a deep breath. "I understand it is taking too long but I am doing everything I can to pay up. I don't have the money now; when I do get the money you will be the first I will call".

The man's eyeballs turn red. "I said I am getting impatient with you. I give you one month. If I don't get my money, you will have to consider a merger". The man replies and walks out of the office before Jude's father could say another word.

Jude's father walks towards the door trying to escort his visitor who was out of the bank in a wink of an eye so he closes his office door, brings out his phone and places a phone call. Speaking to his son on the other end "Jude, a merger is the only option I have and I need you not to mess this up". Jude father says and hangs up


Jude drives into a compound and parks in the driveway. Now thirty years old with a handsome physique, he comes out of the car and a woman welcomes him with an intimate hug. Jude carries her and takes her into the bungalow on the property.

"How was the talk with your father?" The woman asks

"It went well." With enthusiasm, the woman asks. "Tell me everything"

"I don't want to talk. I am not in the mood."

"Just tell me how you intend to woo the chief's daughter into marrying you?" the woman says teasing him. Jude stands up from the bed where they lay naked. Grabs his boxers, wears the shorts and heads for the living room while the woman follows behind. "I don't need to woo Sandra. It is a business transaction, we are getting married to save our parent's businesses" Jude responds

"I know, you have told me a million times. Your father is deep in debt and a merger will save him money. I know the story Jude what I don't understand is where I fit in as your pregnant girlfriend".

Jude opens the refrigerator, grabs a cup and takes cold water from the dispenser in the living room. His throat was dry from the conversation he was having and he needed to cool it down. "I can't back down on this merger. I am the sole heir to my father's business. He has never asked me for help in his life and as much as I hate him, I can't turn my back on him. I will get married to her and in ten years, I will file for divorce and we can be together as a family." He says taking down the water in one gulp.

The woman moves towards Jude and slaps him on the face "Ten years?" She asks

"Okay, 5 years. I can't do less than five or it will look suspicious and I might not be able to split the property half way."

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