"Maybe one day."

"How about this one?"

"Oh, that's actually at our last day of school sleepover. We have one every year."

"You guys are awesome friends."

"They are my best friends." I giggle.

"So how did you guys meet?"

"We were born friends. Our parents, they all were apart of a young marrieds group at church. They hung out a lot and became friends out side of church too. I think because our moms were all pregnant around the same time. Well Kailees mom was a little farther off."

"So your older than Kailee?"

"Ya, Kailee was born in September, me May and Blaire in February. So really Kailees mom was only two months pregnant when Blaire was born. So the rate we did things was different. Blaire walked first, then me, then we both kind of forced Kailee to walk even though she wasn't quit ready. That's how our friendship has always been. Blaire does something, I follow shortly behind, then we drag Kailee into it."

"So you guys are like sisters or something."


"That's cool. Maybe I would have more friends if we went to church."

"You guys don't go to church?"

"No. My parents aren't religious. "

"But you believe in God right?"

"I don't know. I don't really know much about him or what he does. They never told me."

"That's so weird. I only know God. He's the way of life. "

"I don't know... Hey can we go get a soda?"

"Sure...." I assume that means she's done with this conversation. At least that's progress.

~~ Kailee ~~

"Reah I don't understand. Me and Travis our just friends. I talked to him ya but I solely see him as a coworker. Who would tell Beck otherwise. I know we only went out a few days but I still opened up my heart. I wouldn't do that with just anybody. I don't open my heart." I cry in the empty bunk. All the girls are out doing activities with some camp leaders, allowing the counselors three hours of free time before dinner today.

"I don't know, I don't know. I know you're hurting. But Beck is a really good guy and he wouldn't just break it off if he didn't hear this from a reliable source.

"So what do I do?"

"First let's pray." She swiftly bows her head "Dear Lord, I pray that you help this situation Kailee is in right now and you help her find a solution. You know the truth in this and I pray you can help heal it while still protecting her heart, I know you see exactly what is happening and you know what is to come from this. Just help both Beck and Kailee see the light here. Amen."

"Amen." I repeat. "Thanks, now what" I sniffle. It's been three days sinces Beck "broke it off" and he's pretty set on it.

"You talk to him tonight after lights out. That'll give you both peace and quite to talk. I'll take care of the cabin."

"Good idea... Thanks" I hug her.

~~ Blaire ~~

"Hey." Mercer walks into the cubicle that morning with a box of bagels. He offers the box to me and I pick out a blueberry one.

"Thank you." I smile as he kisses my cheek.

"So what are we doing tonight?" He flips on his laptop.

"I actually wanted to spend some time with my brother..."

"Jordan right?"

"Yes, and his girlfriend Lexa too. But that's besides the point."

"You don't like Lexa?"

"No. she lives there... That's like a sin, they aren't married. And besides, she ruined my summer of bonding with my brother. I hardly ever see him since he moved out here."

"Well I know Lexa. She goes here sometimes. She's really cool. You should get to know her."

"Speaking of get to know people maybe you should come to dinner and meet my brother too."

"Sure. I'd love to meet him." He says nonchalant.

"Great. So come by around six and I'll have dinner ready."

"Sounds cool."

"Yay! You'll love my brother. I love my brother. He's like my best friend in brother form. I really look up to him. I love spending time with him. He makes me happy."

"I can tell. That's good. I have a older sister and she's in college but we don't have that kind of brother sister relationship."

"Oh I see. I wasn't very close to my parents so I guess I just bonded with my brother instead."

"Thats good. That's cool."

~~ Kailee ~~

That night I slip on a a navy blue hoodie over my shorts and head to Becks cabin. I don't know much about this whole relationship thing but I do know I need to fix it. To my surprise he's already outside.

"Um hey." I slide up next to him.

"Oh, what are you doing out here? It's dark."

"Facing my fear to tell you what really happened."

"No need. I already know."

"You do. Look I'm sorry I blew up like that. Kailee I really really like you, a lot, you're something I've been praying about all summer. I asked God to lead my love life and he has in everyway. I've been praying for you and us and I get I got so caught up in it that I thought it was to good to be true.. And when Emeree told me about you and Travis I believed her."

"Wait Emeree told you this?"

"Ya.... I guess she got a little jealous. I told you our families are close you know. Emeree has always been around, she even stays with us a lot."


"Well you see, Emerees dad passed away a few years ago, and her mom kind of had to work more in order to support them. So my mom watches Emeree a lot."

"I didn't know that."

"That's why she acts out a lot. She kind of likes the attention."

"Oh. I see now. So you believe me that I didn't do anything."

"Ya I do. And I'm sorry I didn't believe you. It's just kind of hard not to believe in Emeree though... But ya I'm really sorry. I would like to try this again."

"I would really really like that." I admit.

"Great. I promise we won't get into fights like that again." He kisses my cheek. "Come on I'll walk you back to your cabin."

"Thank you." I blush as I let him take my hand and walk me back.

~~ Darcy ~~

"Hey Cruz!" I slide up next to him after our afternoon outreach. We had just got done handing out sack lunches to the homeless.

"Hey. How'd you like it?"

"It was fun!" I smile. "So hey I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie tonight?"

"Ya for sure lets go."

"Great. Wanna meet there?"

"Ya. I'll see you there around eight!"


Okay I haven't uploaded this book in ages I know!

But the lovely @teenagechristiangirl inspired me to keep writing it so I hope you all started reading!

Comment what you think!




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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