Aerospace III - Other Thoughts

Start from the beginning

Two hours later the same thing happened in the US. The border region. But this included missile silos. Because the US would attack, if Canadian forces were attacked, native people carried out commands, coming from a native network. The planes sat quiet on the tarmac. There was a strange quiet on all the media.

Then we sent out a message. It was me speaking about uncle Jack. About my love for him and how he was sitting blocking the army, who were about to make 4000 people homeless. Anyone would have done the same.

Then my brother Henry spoke. He talked of how it is so easy to wipe out us seven million natives of the north. Now that we are prosperous and don't need the white man anymore. They planned on bombing us into space. We took steps to stop that, and we are sorry that fifty people died.

I said, "If any move is made to harm our people, then we have other plans. We wait for your offers of peace."

And many other messages were sent through the electronic equipment in the wheelships. Our spacecraft made no effort to hide.

That was when the uprisings started. It had nothing to do with us. Other minorities had their own gripes.

First in the US, Blacks and Mexicans united to tear down the institutions that had enslaved them. No city governments were able to function. Police in uniform were open season. Police stations and jails were emptied and destroyed. It was all carefully carried out, as if it had been long planned. Public utilities were taken over and guarded.

Army bases were full of people going berserk, with their machine guns and rifles. They were killing their own. Cities were becoming bunkered regions with opposing sides. People fled to summer houses. Or just out to smaller towns. They were disarmed at roadblocks and/or turned back.

Native reservations were now actively building foundations, for domes, because they were becoming overwhelmed with returning native peoples.

I am aware that we never got any attack on our domes. If it had been tried, I am sure we would have been protected with weapons up on the wheelships. But they never used them.

It is forgotten that more than half the peoples off-world, are of native background. We are talking many millions mostly on Mars. I am saying that they must have used something, because the missile silos throughout the world went silent. They never functioned reliably again.

It does not mean that things were now easy for us. We could no longer show our faces in the cities or even the towns to the south. So we had to stop dealing with Gimli. Now our tech equipment and parts come indirectly from Fairbanks and Lab City. Much of the airship tech comes through Iceland and Greenland.

The Gimli companies saw the writing on the wall. They realized where their business was coming from and they moved their whole operation to Carcross, Yukon. The dome business moved first and then the airship company.

People were choosing sides and no one wanted to be white. Cities soon refused to elect white people or people who spoke for the white side. Whites were now the new minority group. All this, because of a building permit.

Chapter 2 : Life

So life went on. We stayed to ourselves and found happiness in a growing mixed inuit and native community. We have always had white people with us, but no one who choses to stay are thought of that way. It was just the bureaucrats that were forced out of town.

I met my husband at a dance in town. He is a pilot and was sent from Iqaluit to work here at our new airport. Tom was here when the army planes landed. He got out and hid, watching the goings on, until he heard the explosion. Then he and his fellow airport people boarded the freighters and overpowered the crews.

Aerospace III - The Inuit CycleWhere stories live. Discover now