Lit: First tag!

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I was tagged by  smja111

Lol thank you for taking SOME interest in lil' old me. it's good to know I'm not completely invisible. BIG cyber hug to you!


💜 The title has to be lit

💜 Can't refuse

💜 Must be done within a week otherwise you have to post a pic of yourself dancing

💜 No replying to comments

💜 State 13 facts about yourself

💜 Tag 15 awesome people

Here we go!!!

1. I am quadriplegic, which means I'm paralyzed from shoulder down... for the most part♿

2. I am absolutely obsessed with my favorite youtubers Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, H2O Delerious and Cartoonz. I religiously watch them every night before bed😎

3. I'm not really into music or celebrities... if they don't youtube or write stories I don't really care much

4. I am addicted to Instagram, Youtube, Wattpad and Episode which is why I go MIA sometime in the middle of each month🙈

5. I'm not a foodie. I actually forget to eat quite often🍴

6. I am a true Disney princess. I love everything Disney though, I've never been to a Disney theme park👸

7. I only started reading one month before my 21st birthday😂

8. I am a true fangirl/rainbow baby bc I LOVE all things gay as evident by my reading list🌈

9. I love going out and socializing but most times when I have friends over we end up reading Wattpad in my room #sadbuttrue

10. I love hugs through I hardly get any due to my always seated position making it hard for people to hug me without breaking anything or me hugging their crotches 🤗

11. I don't really have a favorite anything (movie, song, celeb, color) it all depends on my mood 😂😡😒😭😏

12. I have a thing for Native American anything pretty much. I have a fetish for anything with feathers

13. If I ever sound like a bitch, you're probably reading it in the wrong tone. I swear I'm not as bitchey as my typing looks... try reading it in a more "smiley" tone 😁

Aaaaand that's me!

That was fun!

Now to tag my comment buddies and random chat friends!


(My people) 😆
Good luck and have fun!!!
Cyber hugs to all!!!🤗🤗🤗

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