<Chapter 0.6>

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Lately, Ever since school has started, Kadence has been acting a little funny. She quit the cheer team to be with Deli more. When I stopped messing with Metri, It's like they stopped messing with me. Some friends I had..

I've been hanging out Chloe and Peyton. They've been by my side since Day One. Today I was going to the mall with the girls. By girls I mean, Peyton, Chloe, Chandler, Giselle, and Arian. They were all on the team with me.

Chandler- There's many fine dudes here. I need a new boo anyways.

We went to the mall because I needed a change, So I decided to dye half of my hair red. It looked really nice. The lady straighted it too and it almost reached my ass. I'd gotten my braces off too. A girl was feeling herself.

Now we were at school, because we had practice.

Giselle- We all need some fine chocolate men in our lives.

Chloe- You ain't lying either. I'm bout tired of these lightskins fucking with my emotions.

Kailela- Amen to that.

Arian- Lela, I'm not gonna lie, Red is hella cute on you.

Kailela- Thank youuu.

Chloe- She ugly as hell. Don't hype her up. Just gone make her head bigger.

Kailela- I hate you.

Heeyyy Y'all. I'm Kadence, As you already knew. I feel kinda bad because I just ditched my sister after Metri left her for Ashley, but then again I don't. But I quit the cheer team because it was too much pressure.

Since I only hang out with Deli and his friends, I decided that I needed more girl friends. So now I hang out with Armani, Gaby, Neveah, and Nique. Along with Melo's friends.

Right now we were at one of the boys practices. They were doing really good. All the girls were sitting together.

Hayley- Hey Kadie. I have a question.

Kadence- What's up?

Hayley- Is it too late to join the cheer squad?

Kadence- I don't think so. I just quit so there should be some room available.

Hayley- Do you think I'd make it?

Kadence- Maybe. I think they have practice right now, But I'm not sure.

Gelo- What y'all talking about?

Armani- Hayley wants to be a cheerleader.

Gelo- Ooh. Good luck with that. Those girls are mini devils.

I've never laughed so hard in my life. We were trying to do the pyramid and just fell down. It was honestly so funny.

Coach K- Alright you weirdos. We're running now. Around the school.

Chloe- Why?

Coach K- Cause that pyramid was the worst thing I've ever seen. If you guys want to make it to nationals this year we've got to work hard.

She blew her whistle and started jogging.
By now we had ran Damn near three miles and everybody was tired. I'd taken off my shirt so now I was in my Nike sports bra and spandex. It was hella hot. We'd stopped and I had made sure I took a few puffs from my inhaler.

We were in the gym and I seen the boys taking a break. My sister and their  girlfriends, The Ball Family and ither people were in there too, but I didn't care. I was tired. I was the first one in there behind Coach. The first thing I did was lay down.

The rest of the girls slowly followed after me. I knew the boys were looking at us.

Coach K- There is no time for breaks!!

She yelled at us girls who were all over the place.

Saige- I can't do this. My body hurts.

Coach K- You knew what was gonna happen when you put on that cheer uniform Saige.

I was most definitely not getting up anytime soon. I don't care what's been on this floor. It was cold.

Coach Larry- Kristine, What are you doing to those girls.

Coach K- Five Mile run. This isn't fun and games anymore Ladies. Nationals are four months away.

Coach Larry- Don't damage my top starters. I need them this season.

Coach K- Get up girls. Break time is over.

Chloe- Yeah, About That. I'm not getting up anytime soon.

Coach K- You will if you want to keep your place as Co-Captian....Come on you guys. How is Kailela beating you? She's literally like three feet.

Peyton- Cause she was sent from Hell by Satan himself.

Kailela- Fuck you.

I said while laying down and my head down. I'm pretty sure they heard me.

Chloe- She's a demon. Did you see her stop at all during those three miles?!

Coach K- No. That's what it takes to be captain. You have to be physically in shape to do it.

Kailela- Captain or not. I'm still dying here. Are we not gonna acknowledge that?

I just thought let some of you guys know that updates take time, and I don't think most of you realize that I have a life outside of here and can't just update when you tell me too.

Whenever I check my comments, I think it's something about the book or something one of the characters said, but it's just somebody telling me to "update".  When you guys do that, I feel forced to update and that puts stress on  me.

Empty Hearted ||M 2||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora