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SHOUTOUT TO @wisdomholley12for voting on a recent chapter. VOTE FOR SHOUTOUT.


Authors Note: Quick note, the rest of the story happens one year later. The Year 2018.

Liv has moved gyms.

Caleb and Katie are dating.

Annie and Brennan are dating.

Liv has only one friend. Her name is Nicole.

Liv deleted all her social medias.

The LeBlancs (Bratayleys) and the Donnellys (Katie's family) avoid the Richardsons (Liv's family).

Annie is the top gymnast at her gym.

Liv gets bullied at school (not by Annie and Katie, other people) and has depression.


Main Characters Ages:

Annie: 13 Liv: 14 Caleb: 15-16 Hayley: 9 Brody: 12

Katie: 14 Nicole: 14 Brennan: 15 Ryan: 12 Wyatt: 10


June 2018

Liv POV:

Today I have gym, but I don't want to go. I beg my mom not to send me, but she still did. I decided to text Nicole telling her I was coming to practice today.

Livvy: Nicole, I'm coming to practice today.

Nicc: Thank goodness, I've missed you.

I haven't gone to practice for a few days now. I told my mom I was sick. But I wasn't. I was depressed. I've gotten depression since the hate I got after my fight with Annie and Caleb. I've got over Annie and Caleb, because we don't care for each other, but the hate really stuck to me.

I finally arrive at gym, and the first person I see is Nicole. She runs straight into my arms.

Nicole: "I missed you."

Me: "I missed you too. I promise I won't leave you like that again."

Nicole and I usually never leave each others sides. I met Nicole about a year ago. Her friend Paula moved away, and I never noticed that she came to the same school as me.

-After Gym Practice-

After gym, I went home, took a shower and went on Instagram. I have a private Instagram, because of the hate I got. I look up the hashtag #simplyliv. There were many edits of fans telling me to come back still. I just don't know if I will.


Author's Note: "Damn. Hope you all are enjoying this so far.

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