A Facade

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Everybody sets up a facade for others, no matter what they say. People act as if their lives are perfect, and cheery. But not everyone is like that.

Everybody have their off days, and on those days you may be able to see through the facade they've set up. I'm fine they'll say, not quite looking you in the eye. Or maybe you'll just know when they're off. On those days, people need someone to be there for them. To help them, put the facade back up and not be broken. Everyone is broke in their own little ways, like a mirror. The facade is to make sure nobody sees their cracks. Nobody is as perfect as they claim to be. Nobody knows what they're doing in this life, no matter how much they act like they do.

Everyone is struggling, no matter if it's financially, spiritually, mentally, physically, or anything else. Everyone has a facade, and sometimes you may just see through the cracks of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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