I have avoided talking to him after I saw the photo last night. It’s not a smart move. He’s suspecting that something’s wrong with me today though I insisted it’s nothing. I’m hurt. I cannot deny it. I just need a little time to sulk. I’ll get better eventually, I’m sure of it. It’s not like me to stay feeling melancholy because it’s not practical.

            The clinic was spared from the bombs that destroyed the majority of the city. It even has a generator which hums loudly when we turned it on. I worry that the sound and the lights may attract vampires but Rohan points out the lights coming from several still standing buildings. I think those are the ones which have automatic switches that turns on when the sun downs. He says the clinic light is fainter so it won’t make much of a difference.

            Inside the clinic, I scan what’s left on the counters of the mini-pharmacy and find pain-relievers and fever pills that aren’t expired yet. I also find antibiotics. Rohan is doing the same. We are allies but we keep foraging separate. That’s in case we get split up, both of us won’t have trouble surviving alone.

            I’m bandaging my arm when I notice him stuff something inside his jacket. Small square-shaped packets. I take a quick look at the box where he took it from and reads the label. Magnum. My eyes widen in shock.

            Rohan notices me and he grins at my expression. I mouth at him, “What the hell?”

            “What?” he says, still grinning. “It’s best to be prepared.”

            I scoff. “You’re really disgusting.”

            “Whatever. I’m not thinking of using these with you, so chill.”

            Ouch. Way offensive, bro. I clench my fist but quickly hide it. I smirk back at him.

            “Like you’ll get the chance,” I snap but he just winks at me.

            I turn away from him. I fill my mouth with air and walks towards the clinic’s lobby. My cheeks are warm and I have to rub my face to ease the heat. I did not see that coming. What is it with boys and condoms? Even at times like this? God! He’s un-fucking-believable.

            In my head, an image of a girl in a gold dress appears. My face warms up in anger again.

            To make myself busy, I break into the doctor’s office. The door gives in easily because of the rusted lock. I enter with the room with precaution. It’s a typical office, with mahogany table and seats. There’s also a large file cabinet and a shelf with books. I approach the book shelf and scan the contents. Medicine-related stuff, all of it. Nothing that piques my interest. The room looks normal aside from the dead indoor plants and the thick layer of dust on everything.

            Ignoring the dust, I sit on the swivel chair behind the table and spin it. I stay that way for a while, letting the dizziness sink my thoughts farther away from consciousness. I stop when my right foot hits the edge of the table and a drawer opens from the impact. I peer in it and saw a metal handle. A gun?

            Excited, I pull the drawer and find a .45 caliber in a holster. It’s already loaded and there’s even an extra mag for it. This one’s mine. I’ll do better if I have this gun, too. The shotgun’s ammunitions won’t last forever. I consider not telling Rohan about this out of anger but that’s really immature. I sprint out of the office and stick my head in the pharmacy’s door where I find him reading a something on a box.

            “Hey, I found something,” I tell him. He walks toward me and I hold up the handgun for him to see. Astonishment breaks on his face upon seeing it.

PANDORA - Book 1 (NWC's 2nd place winner)Where stories live. Discover now